Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Not long ago I reported the imminent release of the new animated series dedicated to
Thundercats, and today I find myself to tell you that the announced feature film devoted to these characters is no longer just a rumor, and production is beginning to gain momentum. In fact, until recently circulated only a few images are available (like the one you see below, and submitting the new version of the group's leader, Lion-O) ...
While now beginning to circulate the first official test sequences, which confirmed beyond any doubt that it will be a film made in computer graphics (reducing the risk of turning the movie into a bad copy of the musical CATS
). Since this is the blog that makes you miss anything, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the film with the movie that I post below ...
Fans loyal to the original animated series have already turned their noses, given that - as often happens in these cases - the characters have been adjusted to more mainstream tastes of the public today, and that means a look more "modern" tone and less epic than those that were fashionable in the mid 80s. Personally I do not think the new version of Lion-O is either thrown away, and indeed I find it much sexier version of the original ... Among other things, as you can guess from this first clip, something tells me that this project could take due account of the gay audience (for which the animated series has long been considered cult, at least in the U.S.). We'll see. It is certain that it would not hurt at the beginning of the movie the main characters are present and in the very first episode of the animated series ...
In any case, something tells me that the new film Thundercats (planned for 2012) will become a gay cult for the public regardless, and certainly inspired a good deal of more or less perverse fantasies, but because the characters semianimali (especially those that expire in cats) driven by a year entire sub-genre comics, which has always given some room for homoerotic comic books in Japan and supplies a real market niche.
On the other hand it is true that manga in Japan are trying to cover every niche imaginable, and when the coffin manga (comics for gay homoerotic) have begun to assert itself could not do less to differentiate themselves in several sub-genres, depending on on the tastes of their audience. Just to give you an idea: just debuted in recent weeks GG Comic, a new periodical publication dedicated to the coffin manga focused primarily on males from the abundant bounty ...
Indeed it rains in the wet, as the male overweight applicant is an erotic fantasy for gay Japanese, partly because their relationship with the fat is slightly different from the West. Do not forget, in fact, that in Japan men are associated with abundant respectable figures like sumo wrestlers, who can be considered as attractive just as other athletes.
Probably this is also the why in the Nippon gay porn video-based overweight males are expressed in a variety of ways that the West would not be even considered ... As you can guess from the cover that you place below, and refers to a recent hard gay Japanese production, in which two superheroes are overweight have sex to save their city ...
Talk about heroism. In any case, about superheroes, Marvel has just made official that it will launch a new series dedicated to Daken, the son of the dark and slightly perverse best known Wolverine ... That, I must admit, for me has always held a certain fascination with beautiful and damned ...
I report here because, as I pointed out several times on this blog, it is an openly bisexual character, and come equipped with a mutant power linked to pheromones (substances that stimulate sexual response odorless) that gives him the power to to those who want to lose your head (male or female). Now, we will see if the writers of this new series will be able to handle it, since it does not lack the potential to address a range of topics interesting and quite unusual for a series MARVEL. In any case it must be said that this will be the first superhero series starring a character as to have openly bisexual, and that in itself is no small thing.
Among other things at Marvel have just decided to reconstitute the original super team Alpha Flight, Northstar that saw (the first gay superhero that made coming out) and where Northstar - rightly - is back in the military. Alpha Flight will have a test launch with a series of twelve numbers, and obviously if it goes well could return with an ongoing series. Again the hope is that the character of Northstar has a chance to emerge and that his being gay should not be neglected ...
Again, we'll see, even if objectively the trend of recent years would seem to promise very well. Finally I would like to close the post today with a story of those who make a certain sadness, but one which needs to report. I should have spoken before, but I wanted to wait for the right time. A couple of weeks ago, only thirty-nine, died
Perry Moore. His name was not widely known in Italy (although on this blog I talked about verse times), but for the American gay community had become a cult writer.
In fact, besides being a film producer and television director, had decided to write a novel in which to pour his passion for superheroes and his need to send a positive message to young gay men. That novel, titled Hero, about a gay teenager who became a superhero in spite of himself and had become a small publishing event (to the point of interest to Stan Lee, creator of Marvel, which had expressed an interest to co-produce a film inspired by the events of the book).
Of course now we know that the project will end, and that's a bad news, but what has made me think of is that - according to rumors - is Perry Moore's death would occur from an overdose OxyContin, a drug that does much the same effect as morphine. A pity that someone like Perry Moore, with all its potential, ended his days in this way, because - obbettivamente - had started a small revolution in the relationship among gay issues and superhero ...
Obviously the hope is that anyone can follow his trail and that his contribution is not lost, though - as a reason for gay Americans - are inclined to rule out this risk. What is certain is that Perry Moore died before his book had an issue in our language, and this is something to think about.
the next.
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