ICIA to all and to all hello, how are you?
Even today continues the journey of this blog in the magical world of singers openly gay, and largely ignored by the Italian public. Today, for example, I speak of GĂ©rald Jean-Laurent, better known by his stage name
Geyrald D'or D'Gey for friends ...
This singer, who is also not bad, was born in France in 1979, but four years is moved with his family in West Indies (his father is from the island of Martinique), where he lived permanently until the age of fifteen when he started making the model. From 1996 to 1998 he was part of a French boy band that had some success and that it was called G-Squad. After the dissolution of the group tried to go solo, but remained fairly anonymous until they decided to come out in 2004 and living in a somewhat 'more uninhibited his character ...
choice that's actually opened several doors, as it has become one of the faces of the French gay channel Pink.Tv, for which he also presented a very particular reality show, where we tried a new star of gay porn ... Exactly the kind of reality show that will see you soon in Italy, in fact. In any case, in addition to television career, he also picked up her singing career, and more ... Since it was launched in painting, in the United States and his paintings are starting to have some market ...
Moreover, just not to miss anything, has also created a photo book focusing on himself and on his daily life, where - to the delight of his fans - has become immortalized naked on several occasions.
The interesting thing is that, despite everything, has a nice warm voice ... As you can also check you in the following passage ...
What can I say? To be good is good, though in the end always regret that such people in our country do not have space to emerge.
the next.
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