Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you? Also this week
your favorite blog (^__^) starts with a little 'news, starting with a statement of the gentleman in the picture below, which is of Polish origin, and is called Andreas Deja
... One name that probably will not say anything to most of you, although maybe you can guess that has something to do with the world design, to be precise with the design and animation ...
fact Andreas Deja is the graphic designer responsible for the animation and some Disney characters popular in recent years, and especially some very bad teeth, like those you see below.
you may have noticed also that his villains are always the certain air of gay, and this fact is explained by the fact that Mr. Andreas Deja is openly gay, and its bad wanted to focus a good deal of the worst features that have noticed the world gay ... With the narcissism sinuous movements, by the perfidy of his face grimacing in some particularly slimy. At the time the gay groups complained enough about this, because its bad Disney reflected a number of gay stereotypes, but then not to deal with gay people as evil, but rather in the sense of evil people gay term. This is not necessarily a sign of homophobia, especially considering that these characters were designed by an openly gay man.
As evidence of the fact that Andreas Deja does not suffer from internalized homophobia and the gay world does not think that is the worst possible, has just released a statement to the Australian site
News.com.au , who had asked him if he was ready for a Disney animated film with gay families. The facilitator replied:
"There are more and more families have two dads or two moms? Time will tell. I think once that Disney will have found the right story for this type of discourse, the film will be no problem. " He added that Disney, at present, is a very gay-friendly (and I would certainly say: now is headed by an openly gay man named Rich Ross!). Obviously, these statements should be taken for what they are, but I think the thing in itself has a certain symbolic importance, and furthermore to clarify once and for all that air of some gay bad Disney was not necessarily to be interpreted as a gesture of contempt toward homosexuality and homosexuals.
By the way, in front of someone like Andreas Deja, I could not help but think of all those creative gay, even in Italy, working for an audience primarily of children (or more generally not openly gay ) live in constant fear of being discovered and of seeing his career jeopardized.
is certainly not for me to judge, but I think it is important to note that there are alternatives. And, like me, I also think gay and lesbian youth workers who work Pixar (a company specializing in digital animation, which produced hits like FINDING NEMO, which is closely linked to Disney), who made an entire video in which they speak of their experience, their coming out and how it is important to feel accepted for who you are. Obviously, since this is the blog that shows you what the others do not show you, you can see below ... Of course in English.
The video was shot to help the association
THE TREVOR PROJECT, which has the aim to prevent suicide among young gay men. To be honest, when I see certain things really does seem that in Italy we stayed at prehistoric levels, both associations and in terms of testimonials, but especially at the level of cooperation between the various aspects of the gay world. Obviously the hope is that things will change. In the meantime, I note that at Pixar there would be enough to organize a small Gay Pride. In studies of Italian animation you can breathe the same air? Some of you who read this blog there is someone who can offer a first-hand testimony in this regard? I look forward to. In any case, to stay on the subject of anomalies Italian, I wanted to point out here a story of which you spoke even a few national news. You may not know, but Pisa is one of the largest murals painted by the artist (and active) gay
Keith Haring .
This work is called
Tuttomondo and was also the last work created by the public: it was painted in 1989 and he died a year later from complications due to AIDS. The mural is located on the outer wall of the Convent of San Antonio in Pisa, and, unfortunately, begins to feel the time passing, because its brilliant colors are inevitably fading (compared with that in the photo above).
Obviously someone has suggested the need for restoration, but - as in our country are not even the money to prevent Pompeii falling apart - it's highly unlikely that the Haring mural to return to its original splendor in time short. Will end to fade at all? Of course I hope not, but I think its degradation has a significant symbolic meaning, as we have the total indifference of the Italian gay community to the issue. Everyone can draw his own conclusions. I close this post with a note of cheer, given that today is International Women's Day and - as always punctual - the illustrator
Marco Albiero this year has prepared his own greeting card.
Carina true? He becomes more and more clever, and I keep wondering what it would be nice that in Italy there are any gay friendly spaces to better exploit the talented artists like him. Obviously, the hope never dies, but perhaps came time to change strategy. Hello
and the next.
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