Look at '... WALLY'S WEEK Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Today I come to talk about comics, and for once I do it from a new initiative that is taking shape in Italy and to which I can not help but make the most sincere good luck. In fact I just got the first official press release
Ren Study of Bologna, a small publishing reality of Bologna (founded as editorial services agency) that - until now - has made it clear who wants to publish comics gay or gay friendly, made by authors that creative freedom will be left almost total.
To prove a theory that I have often expressed on this blog, Ren own study shows that when an Italian publisher (even more if small) chooses to adopt a policy like this is precisely why
is administered by one or more openly gay. With all due respect to those who think that the fact that in Italy there are few comics gay is not linked to the fact that so many publishers and authors are still afraid to come out. In any case, for now Ren Studio will start with the comics published online. To open the dances we think the surreal Ophelia, written and illustrated by Giulio Macaione.
The first chapter it is already on the site, and just to make things clear we see immediately that the main character lives in her grandmother's house along with his gay cousin Gabriel, said Bear (for obvious reasons).
The story is promising, although sixteen pages are still a little 'bit. Pending further developments were also announced other proposals quite interesting, such as the cartoons of The Amir, the chat between God and a young gay.
And there is also room for foreign authors, from Thomas dall'originalissimo Gonyea, which makes the webcomic The Gay Nerd Comic
short, despite the Ren Studio projects are at an early stage, I am inclined to think that will be worth following them carefully ... Also because these days every initiative in Italy that comic nod to the gay world is a small event, especially if it does so without falling into banality and superficiality in the media of our country we have long been accustomed to. We hope for good! Meanwhile, the guys at Ren Studio (which in part known for years), have all earned my respect, especially because these days have a policy for gays in our country it means to be very brave. Something that maybe does not happen with the editors of other nations who can afford to make announcements like this with some frequency and without tempting fate. Later this year, for example, the publisher will publish Gmunder A new collection of erotic comics art in Zack Oliver Frey. This time it will be some stories of his character Rogue ...
I must admit that, lately, the Gmunder is amazing me with all these quality repechage. The sinister Rogue was a cartoon character homoerotic cult British 80s and early 90s, but had remained almost entirely unknown in other nations. To be honest I began to think that he would be in editorial limbo for who knows how long ... But here it is. This means that finally, the gay publishing has begun to take seriously even the homoerotic comics in the full sense of the word? We'll see, but maybe we are on track. Meanwhile, regarding the right track, today I also point out that from April, the U.S. channel STARZ will start transmitting a new standard in style SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND ... And this time it will be a review of the evergreen King Arthur ...
probably opportunities to see naked males will be much less than SPARTACUS, but this series will adopt a crude, adult, uncensored, which means it can not be excluded even gay issues explicit enough (especially considering that at that historical and cultural context, homosexual relations were not so rare). I must admit that after years and years (let's say centuries) that was presented in this saga version for families or worse, I am very curious to see what might jump out ... If only because
Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare in Love than the movie, you know?), Merlin intepreterà probably more attractive we've ever seen on the big and small screen ...
We'll see ... As we'll see if the shares of Marvel, with the upcoming series dedicated to reviving Hercules (which will be called simply Herc), someone will remember that the funeral of this character (in the short time that had been thought dead) was turned out that he was bisexual (and had at least had an affair with the openly gay superhero Northstar) ... It would be very interesting if it did not pass over in silence and was not omitted from new writers, including because it could represent a further step forward for the representation of diverse GLBT universe in the comics mainstream.
Hope never dies, even though in this case admit that I entertain some doubts about the real possibility that such a decision can be taken lightly. Be that as it will end this post with a clearly positive signal: it has recently entered the market the video game Dragon Age 2, as earlier versions have an eye for options homosexuals in the performance of the adventure ...
However this time the initiative can not move until the player, but also by some characters that appear in the course of the adventure and are programmed to make homosexual advances to the heroes (and heroines) that are operated dall'ignaro player above. Not bad, right? Hello
and the next.
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