Things from another world
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Last weekend I was in CARTOOMICS, the comic fair in Milan, held every year by the body parts of the old show. Being close enough to go there since the first edition, and in recent years I have noticed that regularly offers an exhibition dedicated to erotic comics (which is prohibited to minors), each time trying to meet the main theme of the other exhibits at the fair. Since the main theme this year was the clothing in the comic, the show was dedicated to clothing erotic lingerie, through the work of historical authors of Italian erotic comics: Guido Crepax, Giovanna Casotto, Leone Frollo, Roberto Baldazzini and Nick Guerra ( of which, below, you see a board that pays homage to the catalogs of underwear beginning 900).
The drawings were beautiful and the show interesting, but as you can easily guess the underwear in question was only for women. On the other hand, if on occasion it is assumed that both the erotic comic heterosexual by definition, does not make sense to blame those who organize these shows. In fact, the mission to exploit the gay culture is certainly not the poor heterosexual - albeit bravely - not in the exhibition space for the erotic Italian comic markets. If anything, the responsibility is that of gay associations - honestly speaking - are not at all interested in carving out a space in the manifestations of this type. Cartoomics you in Milan for something like eighteen, and the fact that no gay (from dall'arcigay local) has never proposed to organize something in it is quite indicative. Especially considering we're talking about a city "gay" as Milan.
be honest: the comparison seems a bit 'surreal controversy that, in these days, have been created around the annual Erotic Fair held in West Hollywood by Tom of Finland Foundation . If you are faithful readers of this blog know that I speak of an erotic fair dedicated to the illustration in general, but that - for obvious reasons - mainly deals with eroticism gay. This is the sixteenth edition of the event, which takes in West Hollywood over fifty artists from around the world, in order to enhance production and to raise funds for the maintenance of the association. The poster for this year is a reworking of Michelangelo's David that Tom of Finland made to order for the director Franco Zeffirelli (and apparently he has refused because it was too).
Obviously this picture has nothing to do with the controversy I mentioned, and that comes from the Committee on Art and Culture in West Hollwood, who did not approve the placement of the Erotic Fair in the Exhibition Centre which is located at the West Hollywood Park, as had already happened last year. The decision was officially justified by the fact that an event of this kind, in a city park frequented by families with children, could be inappropriate (even if it took place strictly indoors). The fair will also, at the Auditorium San Vincente, but as you can imagine has been unleashed half stink ... One reason for the town of West Hollywood had already approved, sponsored and funded the event (along with the Chamber of Commerce and the Finnish consulate). In the council there were also some politicians who have outlawed the non-advocacy, which in their opinion would be against the Fair Education Act, a California law approved last December (and processed by Senator Mark Leno openly gay, you see below), which prohibits homophobic attitudes in cultural events (exhibitions, fairs, exhibitions, etc.) ...
I think it is quite evident that the level of this debate is absolutely science fiction by Italian standards, so I'll try not to punish him. Here I will just remind you that the Tom of Finland Erotic Fair's Foundation relies on a large group of sponsors this year. To make you a better idea, you can click on the image you see below.
As you can see it for the most activity who turn to the gay world (clubs, associations, magazines, etc.), and decided to contribute to a cultural initiative conomicamente gay although it has nothing to do with the culture in the strictest sense of the word. I think this gives exactly the measure may be different as the concept of gay community in California and Italy, and this may explain why the initiatives in our part of gay culture are so rare and sporadic, especially when there's half art. The interesting thing, though, is that - apart from Italy - the American approach is spreading across much of Europe. A few days ago, for example, was released on the fifth poster IDEM edition of the festival gay art audiovisual Andalucia. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if Italy is to be used in such a design to promote a gay-themed art event could trigger something like the apocalypse ... Besides, this event can also participate in the work of any minor artists (with the permission of their legal guardian, of course). This year, IDEM will be held in Malaga (for details please CLICK HERE ). Now I am known to the outside world, but I think it is objectively remarkable that in a country like Spain, which affected more than others, the economic crisis of recent years and where the youth unemployment rate starts to compete with ours, we still have all this desire to focus on art and culture ... Also in the sense of the word gay and trying to offer a fresh and vital thing.
certainly do not pretend to have the truth in hand, but I think the cultural reality of our country is secure for many years, and that the economic crisis has only served to exacerbate an already problematic enough. Whether the speech will be penalized homosexual in a particular way - not even for going against the work to discredit the general continued strong powers of our country search - I think it's really in everyone's eyes, especially when compare our situation with that of other nations, not so far away. The only gay cultural events in our country have (a relative) good health are the gay film festival, but - just happened - were born about twenty years ago. As if to say that there were and there we were ... And speaking of cinema, and the fact that all over the world, LGBT issues begin to be cleared in a manner unthinkable for Italian standards, at this point I can not help but to recommend a movie that was released late last year in Indonesia ... It focuses on Madame X, the first transgender super fights for the rights of minorities!
I would like to point out how, beyond the intent of parody and obviously within the limits of Indonesian culture (which is not exactly gay friendly), the transgender issue is addressed in much more fresh, modern and easy-going compared to the films of our house, that on certain items still suffers un'arretrata minded '70s. Perhaps, with all due respect, we have reached the point of even having to take inspiration from Indonesia?
Who knows ...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
How To Get Cheats On Gpsphone On Mac
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
This week I put up for auction on eBay with a watercolor my version of Prince Phillip of Sleeping Beauty Disney version. Since I am not a Disney designer (and on the other hand I was not even going to do a drawing Disney 100%), the result was something a bit 'including, but not as bad as I thought.
I tried to make veils of watercolor and read cooler than usual, a bit 'from the book of fairy tales, and I placed a sun in the background a bit' decorated in a style reminiscent of a little 'aesthetics the years in which the film was produced by Disney.
As the character, especially without its classic suits, has a strong character, I tried to make the most immediate association of ideas making it interact with the owl that appears in the film, and I did sit on his classic red coat.
I tried to put Philip in a position that communicates relaxation and serenity, as if the sun, trying to accentuate the details of the position of the hands and feet (which I think are two very expressive body parts and usually are somewhat 'neglected).
If you like this design can participate in the auction on eBay CLICKING HERE (or trying Wally Rainbow in the search of Ebay). Let me know what you think.
the next.
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
This week I put up for auction on eBay with a watercolor my version of Prince Phillip of Sleeping Beauty Disney version. Since I am not a Disney designer (and on the other hand I was not even going to do a drawing Disney 100%), the result was something a bit 'including, but not as bad as I thought.
I tried to make veils of watercolor and read cooler than usual, a bit 'from the book of fairy tales, and I placed a sun in the background a bit' decorated in a style reminiscent of a little 'aesthetics the years in which the film was produced by Disney.
As the character, especially without its classic suits, has a strong character, I tried to make the most immediate association of ideas making it interact with the owl that appears in the film, and I did sit on his classic red coat.
I tried to put Philip in a position that communicates relaxation and serenity, as if the sun, trying to accentuate the details of the position of the hands and feet (which I think are two very expressive body parts and usually are somewhat 'neglected).
If you like this design can participate in the auction on eBay CLICKING HERE (or trying Wally Rainbow in the search of Ebay). Let me know what you think.
the next.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Making A Rc Submarine
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
We're back to the appointment with the classic singer said this week, and this time the chosen one is a character very famous, which in these days made a statement quite interesting. In fact, now I'm talking about Michael Stipe, lead singer of the alternative rock band REM . That takes bench since 1980.
Since I'm talking about the singer of one of the few who managed not to lose points in the last thirty years, it seems quite unnecessary to summarize here the life, death and miracles. The interesting thing is that Michael Stipe, after years and years in which he said basically bisexual, for the first time admitted to being gay to 80%, meaning that definitely likes men more than women, with whom no longer had the urge to go after meeting his old boyfriend, photographer Thomas Dozol (with whom he lives in New York, and with him you see in the picture below).
In fact the alleged homosexuality (or at least bisexuality) Michael Stipe rumors were circulating for a long time, and became particularly troublesome when, in the 90s, some people began to say that he was HIV positive (news that turned out false). However on this occasion the singer took a stand and admitted that he liked men as women, if not more (in a period when, in fact, the openly gay singers were not exactly in fashion) ... Beyond everything, though, I think his case is emblematic for two reasons. The first is that it shows that when a singer based its success on his music and not on its image (and the sexual desire that this raises about the opposite sex), gay may be declared without any problems. The second is that the fact that Michael Stipe is going strong for thirty years shows that when one turns to an intelligent public, and maybe music is intelligent, there is the risk of having to make compromises of any kind with a private life ... That said, I leave you with a live concert where REM performed one of their flagship products ... Showing exactly what their audience loves them ...
A good example of how we should understand the relationship between his musical career and his life in general, is not it?
the next.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Diagram Of Subchorionic Hem
Look at '... WALLY'S WEEK
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Today I come to talk about comics, and for once I do it from a new initiative that is taking shape in Italy and to which I can not help but make the most sincere good luck. In fact I just got the first official press release Ren Study of Bologna, a small publishing reality of Bologna (founded as editorial services agency) that - until now - has made it clear who wants to publish comics gay or gay friendly, made by authors that creative freedom will be left almost total.
To prove a theory that I have often expressed on this blog, Ren own study shows that when an Italian publisher (even more if small) chooses to adopt a policy like this is precisely why
is administered by one or more openly gay. With all due respect to those who think that the fact that in Italy there are few comics gay is not linked to the fact that so many publishers and authors are still afraid to come out. In any case, for now Ren Studio will start with the comics published online. To open the dances we think the surreal Ophelia, written and illustrated by Giulio Macaione.
The first chapter it is already on the site, and just to make things clear we see immediately that the main character lives in her grandmother's house along with his gay cousin Gabriel, said Bear (for obvious reasons).
The story is promising, although sixteen pages are still a little 'bit. Pending further developments were also announced other proposals quite interesting, such as the cartoons of The Amir, the chat between God and a young gay.
And there is also room for foreign authors, from Thomas dall'originalissimo Gonyea, which makes the webcomic The Gay Nerd Comic .
short, despite the Ren Studio projects are at an early stage, I am inclined to think that will be worth following them carefully ... Also because these days every initiative in Italy that comic nod to the gay world is a small event, especially if it does so without falling into banality and superficiality in the media of our country we have long been accustomed to. We hope for good! Meanwhile, the guys at Ren Studio (which in part known for years), have all earned my respect, especially because these days have a policy for gays in our country it means to be very brave. Something that maybe does not happen with the editors of other nations who can afford to make announcements like this with some frequency and without tempting fate. Later this year, for example, the publisher will publish Gmunder A new collection of erotic comics art in Zack Oliver Frey. This time it will be some stories of his character Rogue ...
I must admit that, lately, the Gmunder is amazing me with all these quality repechage. The sinister Rogue was a cartoon character homoerotic cult British 80s and early 90s, but had remained almost entirely unknown in other nations. To be honest I began to think that he would be in editorial limbo for who knows how long ... But here it is. This means that finally, the gay publishing has begun to take seriously even the homoerotic comics in the full sense of the word? We'll see, but maybe we are on track. Meanwhile, regarding the right track, today I also point out that from April, the U.S. channel STARZ will start transmitting a new standard in style SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND ... And this time it will be a review of the evergreen King Arthur ...
probably opportunities to see naked males will be much less than SPARTACUS, but this series will adopt a crude, adult, uncensored, which means it can not be excluded even gay issues explicit enough (especially considering that at that historical and cultural context, homosexual relations were not so rare). I must admit that after years and years (let's say centuries) that was presented in this saga version for families or worse, I am very curious to see what might jump out ... If only because Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare in Love than the movie, you know?), Merlin intepreterĂ probably more attractive we've ever seen on the big and small screen ...
We'll see ... As we'll see if the shares of Marvel, with the upcoming series dedicated to reviving Hercules (which will be called simply Herc), someone will remember that the funeral of this character (in the short time that had been thought dead) was turned out that he was bisexual (and had at least had an affair with the openly gay superhero Northstar) ... It would be very interesting if it did not pass over in silence and was not omitted from new writers, including because it could represent a further step forward for the representation of diverse GLBT universe in the comics mainstream.
Hope never dies, even though in this case admit that I entertain some doubts about the real possibility that such a decision can be taken lightly. Be that as it will end this post with a clearly positive signal: it has recently entered the market the video game Dragon Age 2, as earlier versions have an eye for options homosexuals in the performance of the adventure ...
However this time the initiative can not move until the player, but also by some characters that appear in the course of the adventure and are programmed to make homosexual advances to the heroes (and heroines) that are operated dall'ignaro player above. Not bad, right? Hello
and the next.
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Today I come to talk about comics, and for once I do it from a new initiative that is taking shape in Italy and to which I can not help but make the most sincere good luck. In fact I just got the first official press release Ren Study of Bologna, a small publishing reality of Bologna (founded as editorial services agency) that - until now - has made it clear who wants to publish comics gay or gay friendly, made by authors that creative freedom will be left almost total.
To prove a theory that I have often expressed on this blog, Ren own study shows that when an Italian publisher (even more if small) chooses to adopt a policy like this is precisely why
is administered by one or more openly gay. With all due respect to those who think that the fact that in Italy there are few comics gay is not linked to the fact that so many publishers and authors are still afraid to come out. In any case, for now Ren Studio will start with the comics published online. To open the dances we think the surreal Ophelia, written and illustrated by Giulio Macaione.
The first chapter it is already on the site, and just to make things clear we see immediately that the main character lives in her grandmother's house along with his gay cousin Gabriel, said Bear (for obvious reasons).
The story is promising, although sixteen pages are still a little 'bit. Pending further developments were also announced other proposals quite interesting, such as the cartoons of The Amir, the chat between God and a young gay.
And there is also room for foreign authors, from Thomas dall'originalissimo Gonyea, which makes the webcomic The Gay Nerd Comic .
short, despite the Ren Studio projects are at an early stage, I am inclined to think that will be worth following them carefully ... Also because these days every initiative in Italy that comic nod to the gay world is a small event, especially if it does so without falling into banality and superficiality in the media of our country we have long been accustomed to. We hope for good! Meanwhile, the guys at Ren Studio (which in part known for years), have all earned my respect, especially because these days have a policy for gays in our country it means to be very brave. Something that maybe does not happen with the editors of other nations who can afford to make announcements like this with some frequency and without tempting fate. Later this year, for example, the publisher will publish Gmunder A new collection of erotic comics art in Zack Oliver Frey. This time it will be some stories of his character Rogue ...
I must admit that, lately, the Gmunder is amazing me with all these quality repechage. The sinister Rogue was a cartoon character homoerotic cult British 80s and early 90s, but had remained almost entirely unknown in other nations. To be honest I began to think that he would be in editorial limbo for who knows how long ... But here it is. This means that finally, the gay publishing has begun to take seriously even the homoerotic comics in the full sense of the word? We'll see, but maybe we are on track. Meanwhile, regarding the right track, today I also point out that from April, the U.S. channel STARZ will start transmitting a new standard in style SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND ... And this time it will be a review of the evergreen King Arthur ...
probably opportunities to see naked males will be much less than SPARTACUS, but this series will adopt a crude, adult, uncensored, which means it can not be excluded even gay issues explicit enough (especially considering that at that historical and cultural context, homosexual relations were not so rare). I must admit that after years and years (let's say centuries) that was presented in this saga version for families or worse, I am very curious to see what might jump out ... If only because Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare in Love than the movie, you know?), Merlin intepreterĂ probably more attractive we've ever seen on the big and small screen ...
We'll see ... As we'll see if the shares of Marvel, with the upcoming series dedicated to reviving Hercules (which will be called simply Herc), someone will remember that the funeral of this character (in the short time that had been thought dead) was turned out that he was bisexual (and had at least had an affair with the openly gay superhero Northstar) ... It would be very interesting if it did not pass over in silence and was not omitted from new writers, including because it could represent a further step forward for the representation of diverse GLBT universe in the comics mainstream.
Hope never dies, even though in this case admit that I entertain some doubts about the real possibility that such a decision can be taken lightly. Be that as it will end this post with a clearly positive signal: it has recently entered the market the video game Dragon Age 2, as earlier versions have an eye for options homosexuals in the performance of the adventure ...
However this time the initiative can not move until the player, but also by some characters that appear in the course of the adventure and are programmed to make homosexual advances to the heroes (and heroines) that are operated dall'ignaro player above. Not bad, right? Hello
and the next.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
4 Oz Of Frozen Chicken Is
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you? Also this week
your favorite blog (^__^) starts with a little 'news, starting with a statement of the gentleman in the picture below, which is of Polish origin, and is called Andreas Deja ... One name that probably will not say anything to most of you, although maybe you can guess that has something to do with the world design, to be precise with the design and animation ...
fact Andreas Deja is the graphic designer responsible for the animation and some Disney characters popular in recent years, and especially some very bad teeth, like those you see below.
you may have noticed also that his villains are always the certain air of gay, and this fact is explained by the fact that Mr. Andreas Deja is openly gay, and its bad wanted to focus a good deal of the worst features that have noticed the world gay ... With the narcissism sinuous movements, by the perfidy of his face grimacing in some particularly slimy. At the time the gay groups complained enough about this, because its bad Disney reflected a number of gay stereotypes, but then not to deal with gay people as evil, but rather in the sense of evil people gay term. This is not necessarily a sign of homophobia, especially considering that these characters were designed by an openly gay man.
As evidence of the fact that Andreas Deja does not suffer from internalized homophobia and the gay world does not think that is the worst possible, has just released a statement to the Australian site , who had asked him if he was ready for a Disney animated film with gay families. The facilitator replied:
"There are more and more families have two dads or two moms? Time will tell. I think once that Disney will have found the right story for this type of discourse, the film will be no problem. "
He added that Disney, at present, is a very gay-friendly (and I would certainly say: now is headed by an openly gay man named Rich Ross!). Obviously, these statements should be taken for what they are, but I think the thing in itself has a certain symbolic importance, and furthermore to clarify once and for all that air of some gay bad Disney was not necessarily to be interpreted as a gesture of contempt toward homosexuality and homosexuals. By the way, in front of someone like Andreas Deja, I could not help but think of all those creative gay, even in Italy, working for an audience primarily of children (or more generally not openly gay ) live in constant fear of being discovered and of seeing his career jeopardized. is certainly not for me to judge, but I think it is important to note that there are alternatives. And, like me, I also think gay and lesbian youth workers who work Pixar (a company specializing in digital animation, which produced hits like FINDING NEMO, which is closely linked to Disney), who made an entire video in which they speak of their experience, their coming out and how it is important to feel accepted for who you are. Obviously, since this is the blog that shows you what the others do not show you, you can see below ... Of course in English.
The video was shot to help the association THE TREVOR PROJECT, which has the aim to prevent suicide among young gay men. To be honest, when I see certain things really does seem that in Italy we stayed at prehistoric levels, both associations and in terms of testimonials, but especially at the level of cooperation between the various aspects of the gay world. Obviously the hope is that things will change. In the meantime, I note that at Pixar there would be enough to organize a small Gay Pride. In studies of Italian animation you can breathe the same air? Some of you who read this blog there is someone who can offer a first-hand testimony in this regard? I look forward to. In any case, to stay on the subject of anomalies Italian, I wanted to point out here a story of which you spoke even a few national news. You may not know, but Pisa is one of the largest murals painted by the artist (and active) gay Keith Haring . This work is called Tuttomondo and was also the last work created by the public: it was painted in 1989 and he died a year later from complications due to AIDS. The mural is located on the outer wall of the Convent of San Antonio in Pisa, and, unfortunately, begins to feel the time passing, because its brilliant colors are inevitably fading (compared with that in the photo above).
Obviously someone has suggested the need for restoration, but - as in our country are not even the money to prevent Pompeii falling apart - it's highly unlikely that the Haring mural to return to its original splendor in time short. Will end to fade at all? Of course I hope not, but I think its degradation has a significant symbolic meaning, as we have the total indifference of the Italian gay community to the issue. Everyone can draw his own conclusions. I close this post with a note of cheer, given that today is International Women's Day and - as always punctual - the illustrator Marco Albiero this year has prepared his own greeting card.
Carina true? He becomes more and more clever, and I keep wondering what it would be nice that in Italy there are any gay friendly spaces to better exploit the talented artists like him. Obviously, the hope never dies, but perhaps came time to change strategy. Hello
and the next.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Herold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Party
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
This week I'm particularly pleased because I finally put on sale in my catalog of proposals LULU (CLICK HERE or on the cover below) , a volume that I hold dear. In fact, after almost two years (How time flies!), The anthology is now available / exhibition catalog RAINBOWS AMONG THE CLOUDS, I edited in Genoa on the occasion of National Gay Pride 2009.
In reality all this delay was due to the fact that in the last two years I wanted to see if by Arcigay (Which sponsored the thing at the time) there was interest in doing something similar or circulate the show, but since the comics are still quite alien to the mentality of the Italian gay association, nothing happened of that. So, in order to prevent this work being lost, I thought to offer a first selection of works that have led for the first time the comic and illustration in a gay-themed show of Italian comic (for the other artists I have studied and / or will study other options), starting from those of Jacopo Camagni (who also won the cover) ...
Each gallery is preceded by an introductory card of each author and one of my personal anecdote about my personal experience with the artists that have been collected in this volume (as in one way or another, I had to deal directly with each other). It seemed to me a somewhat 'original take stock of the situation on the Italian gay-themed comic in the last ten years, so much so that in this volume are also the work of Dany & Dany, representing the world of BOYS LOVE Made in Italy.
The book is also a taste of the art of Marco Albiero, including a collection of wallpapers for mobile theme sexy guys who produced years ago.
But what - in my opinion - is the centerpiece of this anthology, is the contribution of Giuseppe Fadda, a cartoonist whose production - unfortunately - is almost unknown to the public Internet and has carried for years on a fixed page monthly gay Babylon. Those of his cartoons, which sometimes have really touched the genius, offering a fresco at the same time delicate and unforgiving reality of gay and was a real shame that lies forgotten ... One reason for their absence from the internet was yet another proof that, in our country, the gay world does not know what good value crabs and originally produced in years ...
So in this volume will find a large selection of his work (almost all of his cartoons in color) product between 1998 and 2002 (when his collaboration with Babylon permanently ceased, leaving him disappointed and saddened for him to give up to pursue his career as a cartoonist).
The fact that these cartoons are now collected and republished, in my opinion, is a great way to show that there is a part of the gay world that is not only the D & G underwear and premises, and that There is also wanting a whole alternative gay culture that can still be rediscovered and appreciated ... Also thanks to the Internet.
Perhaps this volume will not make miracles, but could represent another small step in this direction. If want to invest some € to enrich your cultural heritage gay this might be a good idea. Obviously if you decide to buy it (in pdf or printed version), let me know what you think, that I care.
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
This week I'm particularly pleased because I finally put on sale in my catalog of proposals LULU (CLICK HERE or on the cover below) , a volume that I hold dear. In fact, after almost two years (How time flies!), The anthology is now available / exhibition catalog RAINBOWS AMONG THE CLOUDS, I edited in Genoa on the occasion of National Gay Pride 2009.
In reality all this delay was due to the fact that in the last two years I wanted to see if by Arcigay (Which sponsored the thing at the time) there was interest in doing something similar or circulate the show, but since the comics are still quite alien to the mentality of the Italian gay association, nothing happened of that. So, in order to prevent this work being lost, I thought to offer a first selection of works that have led for the first time the comic and illustration in a gay-themed show of Italian comic (for the other artists I have studied and / or will study other options), starting from those of Jacopo Camagni (who also won the cover) ...
Each gallery is preceded by an introductory card of each author and one of my personal anecdote about my personal experience with the artists that have been collected in this volume (as in one way or another, I had to deal directly with each other). It seemed to me a somewhat 'original take stock of the situation on the Italian gay-themed comic in the last ten years, so much so that in this volume are also the work of Dany & Dany, representing the world of BOYS LOVE Made in Italy.
The book is also a taste of the art of Marco Albiero, including a collection of wallpapers for mobile theme sexy guys who produced years ago.
But what - in my opinion - is the centerpiece of this anthology, is the contribution of Giuseppe Fadda, a cartoonist whose production - unfortunately - is almost unknown to the public Internet and has carried for years on a fixed page monthly gay Babylon. Those of his cartoons, which sometimes have really touched the genius, offering a fresco at the same time delicate and unforgiving reality of gay and was a real shame that lies forgotten ... One reason for their absence from the internet was yet another proof that, in our country, the gay world does not know what good value crabs and originally produced in years ...
So in this volume will find a large selection of his work (almost all of his cartoons in color) product between 1998 and 2002 (when his collaboration with Babylon permanently ceased, leaving him disappointed and saddened for him to give up to pursue his career as a cartoonist).
The fact that these cartoons are now collected and republished, in my opinion, is a great way to show that there is a part of the gay world that is not only the D & G underwear and premises, and that There is also wanting a whole alternative gay culture that can still be rediscovered and appreciated ... Also thanks to the Internet.
Perhaps this volume will not make miracles, but could represent another small step in this direction. If want to invest some € to enrich your cultural heritage gay this might be a good idea. Obviously if you decide to buy it (in pdf or printed version), let me know what you think, that I care.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dog Takes One Paracetamol
ICIA to all and to all hello, how are you?
Even today continues the journey of this blog in the magical world of singers openly gay, and largely ignored by the Italian public. Today, for example, I speak of GĂ©rald Jean-Laurent, better known by his stage name Geyrald D'or D'Gey for friends ...
This singer, who is also not bad, was born in France in 1979, but four years is moved with his family in West Indies (his father is from the island of Martinique), where he lived permanently until the age of fifteen when he started making the model. From 1996 to 1998 he was part of a French boy band that had some success and that it was called G-Squad. After the dissolution of the group tried to go solo, but remained fairly anonymous until they decided to come out in 2004 and living in a somewhat 'more uninhibited his character ...
choice that's actually opened several doors, as it has become one of the faces of the French gay channel Pink.Tv, for which he also presented a very particular reality show, where we tried a new star of gay porn ... Exactly the kind of reality show that will see you soon in Italy, in fact. In any case, in addition to television career, he also picked up her singing career, and more ... Since it was launched in painting, in the United States and his paintings are starting to have some market ...
Moreover, just not to miss anything, has also created a photo book focusing on himself and on his daily life, where - to the delight of his fans - has become immortalized naked on several occasions.
The interesting thing is that, despite everything, has a nice warm voice ... As you can also check you in the following passage ...
What can I say? To be good is good, though in the end always regret that such people in our country do not have space to emerge.
the next.
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