Hello to all and hello to all, how are you?
If there's one thing I noticed in those years when I had to deal with small businesses that cater to the gay world, is that in our country just can not look beyond their noses. You are unable to have an overview, to make the system and to broaden their horizons, even if there should be an interest to collaborate and communicate.
On the other hand you can not build a real gay community where gay people live in a hidden his homosexuality, not declaring (or statements only in certain areas) and being careful not to do anything that would betray them in some way. In this way you do not create a network of people who make the circuit, but a set of unstable individuals interacting only when necessary, often in a superficial and discontinuous. Not to mention that the Italian mentality, in general, is quite individualistic and suspicious, and a tendency not to interact too closely with others for fear of rip-off ...
Because these behaviors have been written several essays I will not go well, but I wanted to take a concrete example of what can happen when someone is acting differently. Take for example the case of the cartoonist and illustrator Jason Bone (in the picture below).
J. Bone, how do you call friends, is an artist who lives in Toronto and that (except pictures) assets also has designs for stories of a certain level as
Spiderman: Tangled Web (Marvel ) and
Batman / The Spirit (DC Comics). Since it is an openly gay artist also has a wonderful blog (CLICK HERE
) where he regularly publishes sketches, drawings and comic page that celebrates the sensuality of the male body with his unique cartoon style. Over time he also proposed different characters as the alien clearly gay-friendly Jet Vector (that you see below in the company of his creator) ...
The stories and drawings by J. Bone are exceptionally sexy precisely because, although they are obviously gay, they play on all winks and never point the content is too explicit, preferring innuendo and a gentle sense of humor ... As you can guess by the parody of Batman that you see below (click on images to enlarge).
Time: as J. Bone is openly gay, on his blog makes no secret of his passion for gay porn performer Texan Colby Keller, a likeable thirty-one with good air boy, who in recent years has become very popular thanks to its appeal to the young next door ... Since
J. Bone has a crush on Colby Keller, and as certainly does not trouble to make public its appreciation, has also spent many designs in which he tried to catch his air and genuine ...
J. Bone From the Blog there are several links to that of Colby Keller (
CLICK HERE), which besides being a popular blogger porn performer is also a very witty and below, and which in turn is a gay porn performer openly gay, something that should not be taken for granted these days, where the gay for pay - that is, the straight guys who do video gay money - are abundant and professional what their fellow homosexuals (As you can guess from the two gay for pay that are behind Colby Keller in the picture below) ...
Now: Since Colby Keller, in turn, openly gay, and since it is an openly gay man who feels part of his community, more often speaks of contemporary gay art (because, after all, is fairly nerd) and we would also like to point out the charities in favor of the gay community, particularly if they involve some way of artistic expression. So I, I follow the blog of J. Bone have been hijacked Blog Colby Keller, an initiative which is reported very interesting ... In fact, for the 7th of April, in New York, provided for a charity auction to raise funds for the 'Ali Forney Center
, a shelter for young gay men out of the house. To raise funds, however, requires the contribution of all the artists who are willing to offer free their works to be auctioned, and it really original and that these works must have as its theme ... The series of toys MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (click on the image to read the details)!
I think if anyone still had doubts that the series of toys (and their cartoons) had become a cult for the gay community, now are completely dispelled. But the point is another. As I, J. Bone and Colby Keller problems we do not talk about these things on our blogs now the news of this initiative has come to you, wishing that you can spread it (especially if you know the artists fans of MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE) or even take part in practice with your design. In this way our and your contribution, however small, will have contributed to help a shelter for gay young people in difficulty ... And all this was possible because the base is a network of people who do not live in hiding and not see life compartmentalized. I do not know if I get the idea, but I think this small example makes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enormous potential that can develop, or you can go to waste, according to the attitude of everyone.
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