Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Today I wanted to start from a letter I read today and that put me in particularly good spirits, in fact I wrote Stafano:
"Hello Valeriano,
are a volunteer group of young Arcigay Modena ( and your biggest fan! follow you from the days when it was published by gay.it rainbows) and I'm writing to thank you.
You know that I touched the thankless task of caring for a small review that should take care of niche topics, not generalists such as music or gay-themed film.
Why not deal with comic books and video games then, I said! Searching the Internet I found a lot of information, especially in English, but I must say that your blog (I am a devoted reader:)) is the source of more systematic and wide circulation. Well ... searching through your post I found many interesting ideas that have helped me to make a power point presentation in which I conducted an entire session of the youth group. Although there was little people interested in comic books or video games, it seems that the show liked it so much that some have suggested I create a CD containing all the comics theme that I downloaded from the Internet so that interested parties can borrow it from home.
So thanks for the care with which the blog and draw your own strip, raising hopes for us poor fans saw the Italian cartoonists poor market we have! ;)
PS Some guys were quite interested your comics (I could not cite), so who knows, maybe you'll have some new fan from now on = D "
Here ... This is the kind of letter that gratifies me and makes me think that to continue This blog is a good thing ... Thanks, and congratulations for the initiative really, I am almost moved ...
Among other things, in these days, even the gay association CHILDREN OF THE MOON Cuneo asked me similar information to arrange an appointment for next March ... It's up to see that after more than six hundred posts, this blog is starting to be very little reference to gay comics in Italy? "The letter I received , however, raises a very interesting question. In fact, Stephen tells me that the gay comics, unlike the movie and music themed, are considered a niche topic. This is true even if the comics generally are born to be a form of popular entertainment, just like the music or movies ...
Why comic books in Italy, have lost this feature? The question is not trivial, especially if you look at the gay-themed comics, as the gay community - usually - halyard antennas for anything that is even vaguely identified as gay (also spending considerable figures). In fact, the comics in general has always had a considered rather low in our country, only to be ruled by big media and cultural circuit. Exactly the opposite of what happens in countries where the cartoons highly regarded ... It is no accident. Just take a trip to Brussels (without disturbing the usually Japan or the U.S.) to realize how the local comic book heroes that adorn the buildings of the city, witnessed a very different view of this medium ...
An inclusive approach is also found in libraries and bookstores, for example, but also in the news, in newspapers and on television shows, which devote large areas comics and the like. Not to mention the conferences, exhibitions, etc.. At this point it's pretty easy to see how the comics, which in Belgium are fully included in the circuit of the media are far from a cultural niche. In Italy, where the comics will not talk much and bad, the comic has no media coverage, except through the animated series and films for the big screen that are inspired by it (but this means only advertise some products at the expense of others, and not exploit the comic as such). Ultimately, then, someone finds out the comics thanks to the Annexes of the newspapers, but it is still a minority, since it is quite expensive attachments, already aimed at an audience of collectors ...
Then we must consider that in Italy have disappeared from the comics for decades, children who had the delicate task of bringing together and educating the younger audience to the language of comics. Excluding Disney and similar products, which have lately become indisputably trivial, dull and boring (so as to raise the young comic book instead of turning them into future fans), the supply is virtually zero. So not surprising, generation after generation, the comic has come to be regarded as mainly a hobby for nerds intellectual tastes a little business, those who today are called nerds ...
clear: compared to a few years ago, mainly due to the manga and some cult (as Dylan Dog and Rat Man), the situation in Italy is much improved, but the comic is something profoundly alien to Italian popular culture, due to a perverse mechanism that probably has its roots even in the fascist regime ... Which, paradoxically, the comic had a great view, even if only as a propaganda tool ...
The interest of fascism for the comic and its use, in fact, and that was all the political forces to push the war to take much away from this medium, treating it with a prejudicial hostility. The progressives and the moderates associated with the regime, while Conservatives feared that support of the comics themselves were associated with the scheme referred to above. This is additional to the snobbery with which the intelligentsia of our country had always considered and distrust of religious authority. Moral of the story: as the media of our country (despite appearances) have always been more or less direct emanation of some current policy, and since no current policy in Italy (after fascism) has ever really seen a good eye comics (with the occasional exception, due to the work of intellectuals such as Umberto Eco), has triggered a vicious circle in which Italy has always been the comic on the edge of the cultural scene and media, rimanendo appunto un fenomeno di nicchia, nonostante le grandi tirature di Topolino o Tex...
Le stesse dinamiche hanno influenzato anche la storia del fumetto gay nel nostro paese. Infatti le associazioni gay italiane, fin dall'inizio, nascevano come associazioni politiche e politicizzate che - per i motivi storici di cui sopra - avevano una bassa considerazione di fumetti e affini. Questo ha poi generato un effetto domino su tutta la cultura gay italiana e sulle varie pubblicazioni gay del nostro paese, in cui il fumetto gay non è mai stato presentato in maniera organica e continuata, come ad esempio succedeva negli USA... Dove una serie come Leonard & Larry di Tim Barela è proseguita sul mensile The Advocate per qualcosa come twenty years ...
The same goes for publications by the more explicit content, which in Italy was limited to issuing some foreign comic at random (without the payment of fees to the proper authorities), while foreign magazines were launched across hard a number of authors and characters cult since the early '70s ... Such as secret agent Harry Chess by A. Jay, which debuted in 1966 even ...
In other words: gay comics, USA, was a direct offshoot of the gay movement and its claims, while in Italy was not part of anyone's political culture (for historical reasons mentioned above), and then was ignored or presented improperly. Obviously in a country like Italy, where the comic is still a taboo gay editorial, the fact that the gay world does not adequately promoted and led to the continuous current situation, which gay comics are even complete strangers for the same gay ... Fortunately, as evidenced by the letter with which I opened this post, here too things are slowly changing, thanks to the fact that new generations have a much more flexible than their predecessors and in any case (thanks to the Internet) may also confront with the gay culture of other nations, where surely the comics (gay and otherwise) are much better placed ... However, I would
break a lance in favor of foreign sites, which may not seem as robust this blog. If this is so is because they can afford to take it for granted that their readers can investigate topics elsewhere, as in many countries there is a vast cultural network of gay and well branched. This blog, however, is designed precisely for the average Italian gay, who - through no fault of his own - in terms of comics has to start from scratch, almost.
course, if in his little does the trick, I am very happy. Hello
and the next.
Here ... This is the kind of letter that gratifies me and makes me think that to continue This blog is a good thing ... Thanks, and congratulations for the initiative really, I am almost moved ...

course, if in his little does the trick, I am very happy. Hello
and the next.
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