Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you? After weeks and weeks in which I presented openly gay singers of a certain thickness and quite determined to throw deep enough messages, register now changed dramatically and I am going to present a duo of Stockholm and Dandy Kid, better known as the Straight Up. In Swedish dance charts have placed several hits, but for now prefer to be quite reserved with regard to their biographies and their private lives. On the other hand at the end of last year had a great time to make a piece (and on video) to celebrate the world of twink. For those who do not know the word twink in gay lingo, means children between 18 and 25 years (or who present themselves as such), no beard and no hair, athletic, or at least dry, but mostly uninhibited. The term, believe it or not, comes from a typical American named twinkie sweet. A sort of vaguely phallic-shaped snack, full of golden cream (banana or milk). It seems that for Americans of the 70's the association of ideas with the young blond surfer had been fairly automatic. In any case, the term has been enriched to various degrees, and now we are talking about femme twink , Euro twink, twink muscle, etc.. To put the different types of twink there is even a complicated code that now I'm not here to explain and is based on the evaluation of a range of features (such as length and hair color). In any case the term has quickly become international, so much so that pay homage to the Straight Up with the following passage from Sweden ...
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