Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you? As you know, this weekly event dedicated to the world of openly gay singers may also be affected by events (as indeed happens for all the posts of this blog), as could be, for example coming out of a singer more or less said ... In fact, the appointment today is dedicated to coming out of Jonathan Knight ... Probably if you have less than twenty-five years this name tells you little or nothing, since it is one of the members of boy bands - from the mid-eighties to early nineties - ushered in the concept of boy bands like the understand it today ... Ie New Kids On The Block (pictured below him is at the top) ... as it may seem very unlikely any of these five boys from the air (especially for today's standards), could move millions of screaming fans throughout the world, offering a model of music (and entertainment) at the time was quite innovative. Developing a model which, until then, was a prerogative of the musical groups composed of members of the same family (such as the Jackson Five), this group of five boys opened a counter trend that held for over twenty years (with infinite variations on the theme: Take That, the East17, the Boyzone, the N'sink, the Five, the MN8, Blue, Westlife and you name it) ... In any case, the New Kids On The Block were the founders, and with so many boy bands were the only ones who earned an animated series (arrived in Italy and sent only once early in the morning, fortunately) ... As you can see in this picture Jonathan Kight (bottom right) is pictured in a pose that - eye care - not too masculine. It is no accident. The board should try to grasp the character and attitudes of the singers in the flesh, and Jonathan Knight from the beginning was "tricky" ... I'm not so versed in the business so I can not tell if their manager had chosen a guy like him on purpose or if he had noticed its particularities when it was already too late ... However it was obvious that it worked, and indeed since then in every boy band has been the prevailing model four boys male + one a little 'ambiguous' ... And in some cases, this ambiguous boy has also been coming out then. The case of Jonathan Knight, however, was a bit' unusual ... As the rumors about him circulating for some time, and a couple of years ago it was also "unmasked" by a former ... He, however, has not commented until last week ... When did you decide to make a nice coming-out public, stating that it has always been gay and that if he had not spoken so far had been only a matter of privacy and will not admit to being gay because it would raise the ... ... However I will be inclined to think that if the 'has now, in the post-Ricky Martin, is not just a case. More so for some years that the New Kids On The Block have recovered and are aiming for a more mature and affectionate, and certainly not upset at crowds of little girls from growth hormones ... Moreover he can tell what he wants, but just take a stroll on the internet to see that during his youth militancy in the boy band suffered regular panic attacks (due to fear of being discovered?), And a some point to appease the voices about him, he started dating a young colleague of those years, some Tiffany ... Besides the New Kids On The Block was also the brother of Jonathan, Jordan (the one who sang in falsetto), and it is possible that this situation exerted psychological pressure thereafter. In addition, small and irrelevant detail, Jonathan Knight was the first to leave the boy band in 1994 (after ten years of success), attorney in fact the dissolution, and then jump into the housing market ... Maybe it was tired of having to sacrifice his life for the good of the group? Music for him had become a gilded cage? Probably only he knows how things really went. What is certain is that coming out more in the music world does not hurt, and certainly even now he will feel more calm and serene ... In any case, remember that time a bit 'weird - but tuttosommato happy and carefree - at the turn of the eighties and nineties, and to bring to the attention of the youngest and choreographed by New Kids On The Block (and their vaguely gay-friendly video), I leave you with one of their flagship products. ..
New Kids On The Block - Step By Step Uploaded by Stella78 . - See more music videos Certainly think that now they go around dressed like employees puts a bit 'sad ... Surely they can no longer stand as a mischievous kids, but look a bit 'less serious would not spoiled ... If you do not those other unspeakable bushy hair is out of fashion ... Perhaps there is still a bit 'of Justice, after all. the next.
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