Things from another world
Hello everyone and hello to all, how are you?
Last weekend I was in CARTOOMICS, the comic fair in Milan, held every year by the body parts of the old show. Being close enough to go there since the first edition, and in recent years I have noticed that regularly offers an exhibition dedicated to erotic comics (which is prohibited to minors), each time trying to meet the main theme of the other exhibits at the fair. Since the main theme this year was the clothing in the comic, the show was dedicated to clothing erotic lingerie, through the work of historical authors of Italian erotic comics: Guido Crepax, Giovanna Casotto, Leone Frollo, Roberto Baldazzini and Nick Guerra ( of which, below, you see a board that pays homage to the catalogs of underwear beginning 900).
The drawings were beautiful and the show interesting, but as you can easily guess the underwear in question was only for women. On the other hand, if on occasion it is assumed that both the erotic comic heterosexual by definition, does not make sense to blame those who organize these shows. In fact, the mission to exploit the gay culture is certainly not the poor heterosexual - albeit bravely - not in the exhibition space for the erotic Italian comic markets. If anything, the responsibility is that of gay associations - honestly speaking - are not at all interested in carving out a space in the manifestations of this type. Cartoomics you in Milan for something like eighteen, and the fact that no gay (from dall'arcigay local) has never proposed to organize something in it is quite indicative. Especially considering we're talking about a city "gay" as Milan.
be honest: the comparison seems a bit 'surreal controversy that, in these days, have been created around the annual
Erotic Fair held in West Hollywood by Tom of Finland Foundation . If you are faithful readers of this blog know that I speak of an erotic fair dedicated to the illustration in general, but that - for obvious reasons - mainly deals with eroticism gay. This is the sixteenth edition of the event, which takes in West Hollywood over fifty artists from around the world, in order to enhance production and to raise funds for the maintenance of the association. The poster for this year is a reworking of Michelangelo's David that Tom of Finland made to order for the director Franco Zeffirelli (and apparently he has refused because it was too).
Obviously this picture has nothing to do with the controversy I mentioned, and that comes from the Committee on Art and Culture in West Hollwood, who did not approve the placement of the Erotic Fair in the Exhibition Centre which is located at the West Hollywood Park, as had already happened last year. The decision was officially justified by the fact that an event of this kind, in a city park frequented by families with children, could be inappropriate (even if it took place strictly indoors). The fair will also, at the Auditorium San Vincente, but as you can imagine has been unleashed half stink ... One reason for the town of West Hollywood had already approved, sponsored and funded the event (along with the Chamber of Commerce and the Finnish consulate). In the council there were also some politicians who have outlawed the non-advocacy, which in their opinion would be against the Fair
Education Act, a California law approved last December (and processed by Senator Mark Leno
openly gay, you see below), which prohibits homophobic attitudes in cultural events (exhibitions, fairs, exhibitions, etc.) ...
I think it is quite evident that the level of this debate is absolutely science fiction by Italian standards, so I'll try not to punish him. Here I will just remind you that the Tom of Finland Erotic Fair's Foundation relies on a large group of sponsors this year. To make you a better idea, you can click on the image you see below.
As you can see it for the most activity who turn to the gay world (clubs, associations, magazines, etc.), and decided to contribute to a cultural initiative conomicamente gay although it has nothing to do with the culture in the strictest sense of the word. I think this gives exactly the measure may be different as the concept of gay community in California and Italy, and this may explain why the initiatives in our part of gay culture are so rare and sporadic, especially when there's half art. The interesting thing, though, is that - apart from Italy - the American approach is spreading across much of Europe. A few days ago, for example, was released on the fifth poster IDEM edition of the festival gay art audiovisual Andalucia.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if Italy is to be used in such a design to promote a gay-themed art event could trigger something like the apocalypse ... Besides, this event can also participate in the work of any minor artists (with the permission of their legal guardian, of course). This year, IDEM will be held in Malaga (for details please CLICK HERE
). Now I am known to the outside world, but I think it is objectively remarkable that in a country like Spain, which affected more than others, the economic crisis of recent years and where the youth unemployment rate starts to compete with ours, we still have all this desire to focus on art and culture ... Also in the sense of the word gay and trying to offer a fresh and vital thing.
certainly do not pretend to have the truth in hand, but I think the cultural reality of our country is secure for many years, and that the economic crisis has only served to exacerbate an already problematic enough. Whether the speech will be penalized homosexual in a particular way - not even for going against the work to discredit the general continued strong powers of our country search - I think it's really in everyone's eyes, especially when compare our situation with that of other nations, not so far away.
The only gay cultural events in our country have (a relative) good health are the gay film festival, but - just happened - were born about twenty years ago. As if to say that there were and there we were ... And speaking of cinema, and the fact that all over the world, LGBT issues begin to be cleared in a manner unthinkable for Italian standards, at this point I can not help but to recommend a movie that was released late last year in Indonesia ... It focuses on Madame X, the first transgender super fights for the rights of minorities!
I would like to point out how, beyond the intent of parody and obviously within the limits of Indonesian culture (which is not exactly gay friendly), the transgender issue is addressed in much more fresh, modern and easy-going compared to the films of our house, that on certain items still suffers un'arretrata minded '70s. Perhaps, with all due respect, we have reached the point of even having to take inspiration from Indonesia?
Who knows ...