again on the morning of January 7, Kyiv Gazprom blamed for the closure of the fourth (last) pipeline through which Russian gas is transported to other European countries.
However, later emerged as Putin himself has been ordered to cut total gas deliveries to Ukraine, making the proposal to Alexei Miller, in which the Russian prime minister had a meeting at his residence in property near Petersburg. The details and the background of the meeting have been carefully documented by NTV television channel's media empire to Gazprom.
"I am in total agreement with your proposal. However, it must do so publicly, in the presence of international observers, "Putin said as reported by NTV. Again according to the same source of information - traditionally trusted on issues of Russian domestic politics - Putin also asked Miller if Gazprom were in possession, in addition to accurately report prepared by experts of the Russian giant monopoly, any documents stating the responsibilities of Ukraine on interruption of the flow of gas in Europe that can be used as an indictment against Kiev in the international arena.
The consequence of 'Putin's order brought an immediate drastic reduction of the flow of gas in some EU countries, and other even the total loss. In a couple of hours, Hungary, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey - only supplied by pipeline transiting through Ukraine, unlike Poland and the Baltic countries, which can also count on supplies of gas pipelines that pass through the territory of Belarus - have been dry: The Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanisev has been called to the Russian authorities to convince them that the EU can not be a victim of the clash between Moscow and Kyiv. Slovakia declared a state of economic emergency.
The same evening, the crisis was felt in France - where food supplies are reduced by 70% - Italy - which has a drop of about 90% - and Germany, where German companies have admitted receiving lesser amounts of gas without, however, specify the quantity.
"Without assurances from the highest authorities in the Russian and Ukrainian gas supplies to European countries have significantly less. This situation is unacceptable to us," they wrote in a joint statement the European Commission and EU Presidency czech. Although initially excluded Prague
a European mediation in the conflict between Moscow and Kyiv, the Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Remain found as the position taken by Brussels has "radically changed the situation," and now the presidency czech does not preclude the holding of an EU ad hoc together with representatives of Russia and Ukraine. "It 's in our interest to do everything possible to ensure both parties reach an agreement," said Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek. Other country
very active on the diplomatic level to resolve the crisis and Poland: Prime Minister Donald Tusk has proposed a summit meeting between the ministers of industry and economic development of the EU countries to agree on a common European position, the Minister of Defence Radoslaw Sikorski announced that Warsaw while trying not to exacerbate the conflict with Russia is Ukraine's ambassador in Brussels of the reasons "and that President Lech Kaczynski, however, after stressed the need for a tougher toward Moscow, will consult with colleagues Slovak, Hungarian and Czech at the meeting of the quartet of Vyšegrad, held in Bratislava in the coming days.
A demonstration of responsibility on the interruption of Russian gas supplies to Europe, January 6 Vyktor Ukrainian President Yushchenko has appealed to Moscow for an "immediate" restoration of fuel transit through Ukraine to a letter sent to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the head of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso. In it, Yushchenko also reaffirmed the full availability of Kyiv to ensure the smooth transit gas through Ukrainian territory.
Matthew Cazzulani
Association President Annaviva
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