The Chinese Olympics ended a few months and is still alive the memory of races and medals, but the Olympic committees from around the world are already working to prepare the next edition of the games to be held in London in 2012. In view of this important sporting event Radical Esperanto Association (ERA), a constituent entity of the Nonviolent Radical Party, has made two proposals regarding the EU member states: the possibility for European athletes to compete under the flag of ' alongside the National Union, the formal counting of the results of the Union in Olympic medals. Agabio Richard, vice president of CONI, the Italian Olympic Committee, has already expressed its support for this argument, during a speech on Radio Radical. If the proposed ERA can appear pure folklore of the challenges and difficulties of an economic, cultural and institutional process of European integration, but must take due account of the symbolic impact they might have. The referendum failures, first in France and Holland and then in Ireland, the European Constitutional Treaty has met on his journey, together with the results of numerous opinion polls and election to the steady rise of the nationalist parties a bit 'anywhere in the continent, give us the 'image of a European citizenship discouraged and disunited. The Europeans seem to prefer Europe Europe of nations to the country and this attitude can only put a brake on integration. Even the most pro-European political leader must always deal with the mood of his electorate. So how to reverse the trend? When citizens of other European countries is in the stadium or in front of the television to cheer for the same athlete, perhaps in competition with opponents from other regions of the planet, then when those citizens, at the end of the day, they will keep the medal and see the starry flag firmly at the top of the charts (total medals won by each country would allow a united Europe to outperform the U.S. and China even during the most recent edition) So here is a true European spirit will rise, perhaps even at the popular level. Sport is able to arouse emotions and create affiliations that go far beyond the treaties and international summits. On the other hand does not say that the Italians become patriotic only when they see the national football team play? And it could not claim the same for the Europeans?
Marco Del CIELLE
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