Saturday, January 24, 2009

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Slovakia from 1 January 2009 is the sixteenth country to the European Union have adopted the euro.

With an exchange rate of 30.13 crowns per one Euro, Slovakia is the sixteenth Member State to have adopted the euro, and is the fourth country among the new member states that joined in 2004 to have adopted the single currency after the Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta.
Long has been hesitant about the actual entry of Slovakia into the euro zone, as this is currently outside the parameters of Maastricht on inflation (which should be below 1, 5% of the twelve best performing countries), which is currently at 4.7%, according to a survey carried out in November 2008, and part of the European Parliament had asked it to postpone his entry until 2010. The European Commission and the Council of Ministers, however, have approved his entry on 8 July 2008, and Parliament subsequently approved with 519 votes in favor. The European institutions have preferred in this case that earlier, in order to put Slovakia under the protective umbrella of the eurozone, to avoid the risk of small sharp devaluation of the currencies (and also the largest, just look at the situation of British pound) that is occurring in this period of crisis.
order to feel closer to the heart of the new Slovak currency, a survey was done to decide which portrait print. The Slovaks were found to vote in a referendum in ten icons to choose three. Since December 20 we know that the coins of 1, 2 and 5 cents Kriváň bear an effigy of the mountain, the 10, 20 and 50 cents depict the Bratislava Castle and the 1 and 2 euro will bring the classic emblem of Slovakia, patriarchal cross on three hills of the Matra Mountains, Tatra and Fatra.
The population welcomed the entry into the euro zone, according to a recent survey, in fact, 58% appreciate the single currency, even if 65% of Slovaks, however, feared that with the introduction of the euro there is also a price increase, even if the government, led by Social Democratic Fico, has imposed a tight control on prices. In general, however, Slovakia is a country that until now has held up better to the crisis, with an expected GDP growth of 4% in 2009: half the previous year, but certainly much higher than that of many of the other countries of the Euro.

Roberto Novelli

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in EU-Europe Olympics in 2012 (maybe)

The Chinese Olympics ended a few months and is still alive the memory of races and medals, but the Olympic committees from around the world are already working to prepare the next edition of the games to be held in London in 2012. In view of this important sporting event Radical Esperanto Association (ERA), a constituent entity of the Nonviolent Radical Party, has made two proposals regarding the EU member states: the possibility for European athletes to compete under the flag of ' alongside the National Union, the formal counting of the results of the Union in Olympic medals. Agabio Richard, vice president of CONI, the Italian Olympic Committee, has already expressed its support for this argument, during a speech on Radio Radical. If the proposed ERA can appear pure folklore of the challenges and difficulties of an economic, cultural and institutional process of European integration, but must take due account of the symbolic impact they might have. The referendum failures, first in France and Holland and then in Ireland, the European Constitutional Treaty has met on his journey, together with the results of numerous opinion polls and election to the steady rise of the nationalist parties a bit 'anywhere in the continent, give us the 'image of a European citizenship discouraged and disunited. The Europeans seem to prefer Europe Europe of nations to the country and this attitude can only put a brake on integration. Even the most pro-European political leader must always deal with the mood of his electorate. So how to reverse the trend? When citizens of other European countries is in the stadium or in front of the television to cheer for the same athlete, perhaps in competition with opponents from other regions of the planet, then when those citizens, at the end of the day, they will keep the medal and see the starry flag firmly at the top of the charts (total medals won by each country would allow a united Europe to outperform the U.S. and China even during the most recent edition) So here is a true European spirit will rise, perhaps even at the popular level. Sport is able to arouse emotions and create affiliations that go far beyond the treaties and international summits. On the other hand does not say that the Italians become patriotic only when they see the national football team play? And it could not claim the same for the Europeans?

Marco Del CIELLE

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E 'Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, the head of the bloc's total deliveries of gas in the direction of Ukraine, Head of the proposal avanzatagli consortium monopoly Gazprom Alexei Miller. So reports the broadcaster NTV.

again on the morning of January 7, Kyiv Gazprom blamed for the closure of the fourth (last) pipeline through which Russian gas is transported to other European countries.

However, later emerged as Putin himself has been ordered to cut total gas deliveries to Ukraine, making the proposal to Alexei Miller, in which the Russian prime minister had a meeting at his residence in property near Petersburg. The details and the background of the meeting have been carefully documented by NTV television channel's media empire to Gazprom.

"I am in total agreement with your proposal. However, it must do so publicly, in the presence of international observers, "Putin said as reported by NTV. Again according to the same source of information - traditionally trusted on issues of Russian domestic politics - Putin also asked Miller if Gazprom were in possession, in addition to accurately report prepared by experts of the Russian giant monopoly, any documents stating the responsibilities of Ukraine on interruption of the flow of gas in Europe that can be used as an indictment against Kiev in the international arena.

The consequence of 'Putin's order brought an immediate drastic reduction of the flow of gas in some EU countries, and other even the total loss. In a couple of hours, Hungary, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey - only supplied by pipeline transiting through Ukraine, unlike Poland and the Baltic countries, which can also count on supplies of gas pipelines that pass through the territory of Belarus - have been dry: The Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanisev has been called to the Russian authorities to convince them that the EU can not be a victim of the clash between Moscow and Kyiv. Slovakia declared a state of economic emergency.
The same evening, the crisis was felt in France - where food supplies are reduced by 70% - Italy - which has a drop of about 90% - and Germany, where German companies have admitted receiving lesser amounts of gas without, however, specify the quantity.
"Without assurances from the highest authorities in the Russian and Ukrainian gas supplies to European countries have significantly less. This situation is unacceptable to us," they wrote in a joint statement the European Commission and EU Presidency czech. Although initially excluded Prague

a European mediation in the conflict between Moscow and Kyiv, the Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Martin Remain found as the position taken by Brussels has "radically changed the situation," and now the presidency czech does not preclude the holding of an EU ad hoc together with representatives of Russia and Ukraine. "It 's in our interest to do everything possible to ensure both parties reach an agreement," said Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek. Other country

very active on the diplomatic level to resolve the crisis and Poland: Prime Minister Donald Tusk has proposed a summit meeting between the ministers of industry and economic development of the EU countries to agree on a common European position, the Minister of Defence Radoslaw Sikorski announced that Warsaw while trying not to exacerbate the conflict with Russia is Ukraine's ambassador in Brussels of the reasons "and that President Lech Kaczynski, however, after stressed the need for a tougher toward Moscow, will consult with colleagues Slovak, Hungarian and Czech at the meeting of the quartet of Vyšegrad, held in Bratislava in the coming days.

A demonstration of responsibility on the interruption of Russian gas supplies to Europe, January 6 Vyktor Ukrainian President Yushchenko has appealed to Moscow for an "immediate" restoration of fuel transit through Ukraine to a letter sent to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the head of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso. In it, Yushchenko also reaffirmed the full availability of Kyiv to ensure the smooth transit gas through Ukrainian territory.

Matthew Cazzulani

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Reasons plausible and possible scenarios of entry into the European Union turkish

The title of this article makes it a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe cut that I propose to give the topic in question, one of Turkey's European Union, from many quarters treated with messianic tones so threaten to turn the issue into a battle of absolutes that would , in my humble opinion, misleading, exaggerated and extremely counterproductive. Therefore need to be played down with clear objectivity.
The relationship of Turkey with the EU can be described metaphorically as a long and troubled history of love and hate, as the country's Anatolian knocked for the first time at the entrance of 'the West in 1963 with the Ankara Agreement and repeatedly since then to our window peeping as a rejected lover who, without giving up, keep the faint hope that finally the silent partner's feelings. Turkey is a European country and therefore may be eligible for the assembly of the Union? Treat the subject from a unified point of view it is not possible because of the inherent complexity of the relationships at stake and it is right, in my view, to separate the various components of the story into parts to clarify the best deep joints, which are essentially cultural identity on the one hand and by political and diplomatic 'else.
The surface on which the euro-Turkish relationship seems, at first, more susceptible to criticism and doubt is surely cultural, at least considering that part, strong, popular sentiment that our neighbors would see in a community too different from 'European identity. The most important brake is pulled from the explanations that considers the turkish people very in tune with the characteristics culture of our continent. But what are these characteristics? If we wanted to proceed with a brief review would find that the red thread of fate Europe got another example that is not motivated by religious and ethnic. As regards the first ground, the beginnings of the construction of the "Europe House" are firmly anchored and only the common Judeo-Christian matrix transversely interested in the formation of national societies from the fall of the Roman Empire onwards. There is no doubt that religion has played an important role as a cohesive factor, but the topic is likely to be in my view is simplistic and misleading, if not for the fact that the draft European constitution already rejected the question of decline from a theological point of view by saying that others are in fact the theoretical background that the EU has adopted as fundamental cornerstones. We must not forget the primarily technical nature of the community project, which is characterized, especially at the beginning, for economic and political and based on the overcoming of historical conflicts derived from it during the nineteenth and twentieth century. That is the articulation of identity is somewhat pretentious and especially dangerous if it is modeled on the religious question. And 'it must be noted that Turkey is a Muslim country, but better by analyzing the evolution of his company from the time Kemal Ataturk jolt of civilians to this day one can not help but notice how many steps have been made in the direction of secularization of the state. Certainly, someone could advance the argument that a party of strong religious backgrounds is now in government, but it could just as easily be recalled that some resurgence of "traditionalism" are a normal phenomenon of adaptation in a society that aimed to change as Turkey, of course tries to protect itself from sudden upheaval of its traditional structures, but failing to consider the fact that other European countries (Italy in particular) are still a very ambiguous relationship with the religious influences in his political life and that the arrival of one member from a different horizon most likely will not be liable to "Islamization" the Union (as some fear), but to provide the final impetus for a serious and final secularization of the Community institutions to guarantee a solid basis of equal opportunity under civil and not theological. The other reason given, that ethnography is itself without foundation, since the Community has already inside with many ethnic populations who often have few similar traits or, at most, are grouped into sub-areas such as cultural Romance or Finno-Ugric whose only contact points are of almost purely language, just because it is an entity that synthesizes multiple national realities.
If a problem of adherence to the Western tradition at all costs must be found, if anything, this falls within the legal framework. Although many steps have been taken to align the code turkish to that of most European states, such as the dismissal of the death penalty and improving the criminal justice system and prisons, other practices liberticide (Orhan Pamuk charged!) That violate basic principles of the modern rule of law seem to die hard and strongly influence the spirit of openness to those nations who have fought for decades for the spread of freedom and rights civilians in them and in international fora. Moreover, as heavy as a boulder, the question of the Kurdish minority seems anything but resolved and even in areas with high human activity as integration policies are beginning to bear fruit, in the deep rural areas many other instances of discrimination continue to occur. The crucial point seems to be more than the internalization of legal tradition - liberal policy now widespread and institutionalized throughout the Community not supposed cultural and religious barriers, easily cleared without fees with effective policies to mediate on a large scale, without forgetting that the processes of social identities are not already marked with a destiny, but can also be addressed by people towards real integration policies. The joint
which I think is really important is the political and diplomatic as opposed to "cultural issue" litmus test used by some persons to give a theoretical foundation to no ingress turkish, can be both an exceptional opportunities for integration and increased understanding of the influence of the Union as a subject in itself is a strong factor of destabilization of the integration process itself and the political stalemate. In this context, the main diplomatic scenarios can be considered as all those ambivalent and, because of this feature, are therefore crucial in all its peculiarities.
The first "front" portion is the symbolic significance of a possible entry in turkish. In an era in which the processes of globalization, seemingly unstoppable and as little government, urging the nations of the earth contacts increasingly pervasive, often accentuating the moments of friction rather than dialogue and in our particular historical epoch in which different scholars ( S. Huntington, for example) can see no other result from this process unless a "clash of civilizations", the final step in accepting Turkey would be a very strong signal to open and bring proof that the mediation and the provision of construction to the differences, both sides, it can also generate positive results and not just mutual mistrust, hatred and destruction. The entry of Turkey into an objective reality she does not fully comply could be considered an example, even practical, to resolve conflicts in the Middle East and then provide a foothold for its stabilization, if only because the credibility of 'act as a mediator in the Union would greatly increase an internal member having much more akin to the socio-demographic characteristics of that region. In addition, moving to South-East political borders of the Community would result to provide a safe bulwark against hypothetical terrorist infiltration, drawing on decades of experience turkish army, well trained and very substantial (about 800,000 actual), which has a strong technical and tactical cooperation with neighboring Israel.
scenario thus seems to pose only optimistic expectations, if not that, better addressing the distribution of alliances, we realize that the ambivalence found is anything but slight, since the close cooperation between Israel and Turkey could also catalyze the negative feelings of the Arab population, very sensitive to the fact that a Muslim country is so closely tied to their main political and military rival.
The second point of analysis focuses on the ambiguous role that Turkey would play an ally once considered its central position in NATO, especially in relation with the United States. As I just mentioned, Ankara has a very solid team that the Army stands as the second most militarized country behind the U.S., the Atlantic Alliance and for that his vocation as a buffer against the territory of the Middle East is that the powerful Soviet bear, representatives of Washington wanted to strongly establish an increasingly close relationship with the Turkish government. Now that the specter of the USSR no longer any reason to exist, this position could easily be used as a beacon to attract all panturaniche republics (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc..) that were previously chained to the will of Moscow. There is no need to stress the unique opportunity to influence throughout the Caucasus, the Union would be to engage with all corollaries of economic, trade and energy supplies in tow, but it is certain that even the powerful U.S. ally is would be in position to claim a special relationship with Turkey under the same motivations. It does not seem so strange and dispassionate interest in the U.S. for a continuous input of business in Ankara and Brussels is rather obvious the intention to manipulate this process of enlargement according Atlanticist tracing the same form of interference has already been tried for the former socialist states and the three Baltic republics. As many will recall there was a spectacular contingency between the accessions to the Treaty establishing the entry of those countries into NATO, thus aligned timed to embarrass even the most efficient performance of the Swiss watch!
strategists must therefore reside in various European capitals are well aware of the possible downside. Without easy-fomenting controversy once before, in the sixties and seventies, the United States succeeded in their efforts to drive morphological Community institutions, by inserting an active crowbar as a British outpost to secure control of continental affairs, is never that history will repeat itself in this matter because the result would be very detrimental and severely undermine the ability of EU foreign independence, precipitating perhaps forever to the status of vassal of the Yankees.
The third scenario, referred to, but less than probably most important, has to do with the age-old division of the island of Cyprus into two political entities since 1974 and is one that most hinders the resumption of negotiations and which reaches as a thorn in the side of domestic policy to the Union. In addition to the doubts of nature both cultural and political so far identified, the Cypriot situation opens a serious face of conflict and is repeatedly advanced as an insurmountable stumbling block is from Greece and from other States whenever the government in Ankara makes demands. If in fact the north of the island is home to a government of Turkish occupation, recognized only by the state Anatolian and therefore subject to all the trappings of international lawlessness connected to such a situation, it should also be stressed that both Athens and his supporters (above all, Britain enjoying extraterritoriality of two bases) have never left the shine serious desire to reach a compromise, perhaps aware that the Turkish military reaction of the seventies was good reason to protect the minority from the northern pro-Hellenic coup, an event which also overthrew the peaceful organization on the island by the agreements of 16 August 1960. The matter is extremely embarrassing especially when you consider that the two countries are both members of NATO! A possible crack may occur only when a sizeable majority of European countries would lay an ultimatum to the parties for collaboration in order to unlock the stalemate and put as a condition for further negotiations to restore the island's sovereignty. Certainly this should not mean a unilateral retreat from Ankara, but a new reorganization Administrative allowing better management of ethnic divisions under the umbrella, including military, the Union itself.
The conclusion to be drawn is very simple, and as its author, inspired by the most elementary principles of political realism. When the Fathers of the Community, made the journey difficult but exciting, process of integration prophesied would hardly believe that such a radical and impressive political machinery would be set in motion. However, cases in history have meant that the embryonic CZECH turning into the closest thing to the idea of \u200b\u200bYoung Europe is found today, laying the groundwork for a future entity that finally constitutes a home for all Europeans. It is with that pioneering spirit that our leaders should continue negotiations and end the stalemate in the process of rapprochement with Turkey, including both the enormous potential that this new member would bring with it, is dodging the hypothetical risk that its position inevitably involves borderliner with the single purpose in mind to build a community increasingly rich and increasingly powerful. Moreover one can see no real alternatives, nor I think it is plausible to retrace the steps taken seriously, especially if they have multiplied the pathways of cooperation between Europe and Turkey over the past 40 years, now double wire binding the destinies of these two players.
Federico Maisenti

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... Una noche en Salamanca!

Salamanca is known throughout Spain as the city of entertainment par excellence.
The city where everything is possible, especially at night!
Populated by students from all over the world that help to make the night Salamantina, special, magical, different, unique! La noche
Salamantina is used to start in the famous bar called "THE CHUPITERIA" the local chupito with a capital C, and then go directly to camelot a former convent which was then converted in the current temple fun. After these two stages
"fixed" there is plenty of choice, depending on the cut you want to give your evening, if you want a strong evening, the cubic is the place for you, especially on Friday with the His dj sets electronic - minimal - techno will make you dance until 7 this morning. If you are looking for something softer to go khandavia, commercial music and hits from the 80's to today. Finally, if you look for a sound alternative to the British Museum and Piper will provide a sound rock, pop, indie and alternative '60s / '70s / '80s.
If you do not want to stop in a room alone, but visit more than one, Salamanca full of wonderful disco - pub, the country is an example, local furnished Gaudi style, different music every night, or the turtleneck, the Luux, the Atahualpa and his bar open Thursday, the Bibliotheca and his evenings university, or Posada de las Animas and its theme nights and its free cocktail and then make a stop at paniagua the "social center" salamantino where you have to try the house specialty: the Calimocho. You can listen to historical items and oldies music world, singing and dancing through the crowd and if you desire and the time you will also have a good game of football row permitting, as it is the attractiveness of the premises and is always busy! Obviously the Irish
rover is to be tested, the best nights are on Monday with the America's favorite game of beer, on Tuesday evening with the theme Erasmus and the Open bar until 3 am, and Wednesdays with karaoke sing-you!
Salamanca's nightlife, you never know what time you start well, sometimes finding himself in 11 starts at the plaza mayor under the clock, starts at two other times after a dinner or a bottellon a friend's house, but one thing for sure ... never ends before 6!

Giulia Scotti

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A long hegemony over thirty years, in Italy who commands the music charts is a small group of artists that just do not want to know to retire.
But it is not solely the fault of their greed, in part the lack of news of a purposely left in the disarmament field, has made sure that the innovations introduced each year could be very little, so that when comparing the official results 20yo of the last names are always the same and very few bands have been added. So much for the domestic market, other European countries, alongside the various "dinosaurs" national-popular, there is a dense undergrowth and cool bands, trends and genres that pollutes the charts of all kinds.
Perhaps the lack of a musical culture, confined spaces, operators of local preposterous, strict rules and long tentacles of the SIAE have heavily influenced the lack of fresh designs made in Italy. The result is that we are the nation of cover bands, the only ones who can play in the Italian local band are those that mimic the big names in Italian and otherwise. So Vasco Rossi, Ligabue, Laura Pausini, Tiziano Ferro and Subsonica can penetrate everywhere, leaving the crumbs to the rest. The most important events of Italian independent music struggling to survive, in part because the municipal authorities and para-state 'perception of the music stops Patty Pravo in part because there is great interest in the subject, the Italian charts reflect the taste of young people (sigh), who remain deeply anchored in the past and unwilling to new projects that are not already cleverly packaged by television and radio. It 's like the Italian underground was wiped out, the last ten to fifteen years are the vivid example. Micro reality fight a war where you learn enough aid is scarce and the lack of interest is very high. Typically many of these rely on the great value that music has in countries like Britain and Germany. Mario Biondi think that before taking share here with us has been launched on the BBC in England ... Such cases are not so rare, and indeed is the dream of many Italian group find comfort abroad where there are difficulties but there is a relation to the base that we have is slowly lost. Perhaps we deserve, San Remo.

Luca Ceriani Carlo