Before being a minister in the national government, Padoa Schioppa was from 1979 to 1983 Director General for Economics and Finance at the European Commission, from 1998 to 2006 and has served on the board of the ECB. Today he is president of "Notre Europe ", a think tank founded by former European Commission President Jacques Delors in 1996, which works to promote the process of European integration. In addition, during this time, Tommaso Padoa Schioppa is working more actively in the European Federalist Movement, the movement founded by the historical figure of Spinelli in charge since 1943 of the absolute necessity of European integration through the creation of a federation of States.
And at a meeting of the MFE, the 'office of the debate, we could collect his contribution on' topic of European integration, its state current, which he defines as "incomplete." To help us understand in what sense, uses the metaphor of the building already used by Dastoli. Why a condominium management makes sense, it argues, there must be goods and interests, because such management is possible, there must be capacity to make decisions on issues relevant to it, because these decisions take effect, there must also be a capacity executive. Padoa Schioppa is now known as clear a "common interest" of Europeans, who have grown up both for materials already developed in the course of the integration process (think of the money) for the constraints imposed by demands of a globalized world is now multipolar. The incompleteness of Europe is therefore the inability to make decisions and ability to execute them. Returning to the metaphor of the building, it is known that a meeting of the condominium would be highly inefficient, if it had a policy that allows you to make a decision whether or not you all agree ... and if there was then delegate someone to make it enforceable ! Padoa Schioppa
These capabilities not believed to be entirely absent, but rather, as we said, "incomplete." To give us a sense of incompleteness that gives us a four-boxes, according to which it is also possible trace the evolution of European institutions. From the CZECH and then by the Treaty of Rome it is possible to distinguish the powers of a supranational level (condominium) in:
1) under the Treaties and used effectively;
2) but not under the Treaties used;
3) not under the Treaties and unused;
4) not enshrined in the Treaties, but in fact used.
Between '57 and the first elections to the EP (1979) we pointed out that the evolutionary line of the integration process has moved in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2. Since 1979, thanks mainly to the impulse creator of the infant's body inside Spinelli MEP, has worked on the 3-point line: from there it has gotten to the Maastricht Treaty. Today, Padoa Schioppa, the points on which to work are the 2 (much has already been laid down by the Maastricht Treaty and subsequent treaties) and 4, to achieve advances in the ability to manage the condominium. In his speech also outlines what we are as people and organizations can and must work for this purpose. The actors on which draws attention to two: the European Parliament and European governments that have the ability and willingness to assume a leadership role.
The European Parliament could use the powers that enshrines the Treaty but which does not use, such as not approving the EU budget, or not giving confidence to a President of the Commission voted purely intergovernmental logic. Even one of these two actions would have a strong symbolic value and may not also involve some practical consequences of the asymmetries of the current democratic institutions. Padoa Schioppa is also important for the concept of leadership, which is mutually necessary institutions: the first is like the wind, the latter are like sails. There would be a move without one of the two elements. He sees the present situation in the absence of this wind maker, which is the political will of some European governments. To Who knows the story is not difficult to give them a name: France and Germany. It is not just the latest of recent events, that pits a resourceful France Germany a static, locked in his care. Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
for this is to ask what is the path taken by Germany after unification (let's not forget that Germany is proudly refused to fund the process with the European funds, claiming with pride to be able to go it alone) ; to question and seek the German political class to reflect on the route that the largest country in the Union intends to take to build supranational European Union.
Following the intervention, we also managed to ask him a few questions. Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, given the role it plays, has avoided the merits of the decisions of the ECB and other European institutions.
D: "Minister Tremonti has shown interest in the creation of new economic policy instruments such as Eurobonds and a renewal of the functions of the EIB. What do you think of these proposals?
TPS : "I support the proposals for Tremonti. They indeed go back to the Delors Plan 1992. Even then, these proposals were made. I think it's to share, particularly in this time when action is needed to support the economy.
Q: "Do you think that there is the possibility of arriving at a ruling that European economic institutional disregard further study? In other words: you can take steps functional or economic governance implies the difficulty of addressing the problem head-on buoyancy democratic and federal institutions?
TPS : "What it means managing the economy just is not very clear, even to those who often speaks; fiscal policy would require a reform of the European Union budget, I would say that it is desirable. It seems to me most unlikely that the Stability Pact might become an instrument of active fiscal policy decided in Brussels.
Roberto Novelli
Francis Pigot
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