Imagine that, after several years of self-supply, shortages and / or 'price increase electricity or coal or wood blocks to all the obligations apply to a limited number of companies that distribute gas in oligopoly.
Imagine that, faced with this unexpected situation, the administrator of the condominium condominium Assembly proposes the installation of a photovoltaic system that allows the building of shared supplies of energy for heating and for 'electricity, with a high initial cost of course but with the guarantee of self-supply of energy in the building in the medium term at very low costs and a plan to pay for itself very convenient.
Imagine that a large majority, condos decide to continue to use - every man for himself - the gas distribution company oligopolists but to commit themselves to study carefully before offering administrator and then proceed in gradual stages to the installation of the photovoltaic system to make it operational to 20% within a period of thirteen years and 50% within a period of forty years.
Imagine that a very limited number of condominiums decides that the initial cost of installing the photovoltaic system - broken down a breakdown between the twenty-seven thousandth condominiums - is too high for their income and this despite the fact that the administrator has offered interest-free loan for the extraordinary expenses of the families most in need and for a period of seven years by agreeing to dedicated to investments in energy one third of the loan.
Imagine that, to encourage a shift to the clean energy's biggest polluter, the administrator is also said to give rebates available for condominiums cost more virtuous.
Imagine condominiums dissenters, however, want to announce continue to use open-ended and part of their energy supply two gas providers acting in duopoly situation but continue to use other forms of energy that pollute the air inside their apartment (the burning of chemicals) as well as common areas by burning coal.
Fortunately, the majority of the owners, the house rules provides that decisions on sources of energy delivery are taken by qualified majority of thousandths.
We await with interest the outcome of the next condo meeting.
Pier Virgilio Dastoli - Director of the European Commission Representation in Italy - Assistant Spinelli to the European Parliament. (Article from eurobull.it)
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