Barack Obama is the man of a historical moment is the confirmation of the energies of renewal of a great democratic country, because eventually won that one, the character change and confidence in the future, in which he hoped much of the world, starting from the Old World ... You could certainly share that hope, based on the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance, dialogue and solidarity on which was based. And then you can also share the relief that the election victory is achieved. But there is perhaps a small detail that has escaped from our share in Europe. The Machiavelli noted already, almost certainly in 1513 (Prince, xxv): "Nevertheless a, because our free will is not off, judice can be true that Fortune is the arbiter of half our actions, but that she will leave etiam govern the 'other half, or near, to us. " Perhaps in supporters of the campaign is not there we realized, and even during the long night awaiting the results of trepidation, but Obama's victory for those who bet on him without being a U.S. citizen, is entirely a matter of "luck" : just like the victory of their football team. We could not take the field, we did not go to vote!
So why so much attention around this internal event of a friendly country? And what about the "half" that would leave luck to our free will to govern the affairs of the world? Alas, asked the right questions, the answer is clear: If American elections are of such great importance to us, if we assume that their course decide the fate of the world, it is because we feel that the U.S. has a capacity to choose and act effectively in the global context and that the U.S. election count in this respect more than any national elections that take place in Europe. Behind the cheering for Obama, is hiding the addiction of all Europeans to count less in the world, to rely on "luck", to give up part granted to our free will to be masters of our future: we are not voting for a Federal Government respected and influential in the concert of great powers who decide the fate of humanity!
But we must look to the bottom face in our situation. Who is left go at the mercy of things, even the good "luck" of others may not be enough. Obama is in many ways a remarkable presidency, a healthier U.S. policy could also imply a less bloody transition to the equilibrium of a multipolar world now. But this is the 44th President of the United States and was entitled to a duty not to go against the reason of state in whose name the rule: it can act with more long-term perspective, in which it is obvious that the well-being of Americans depends on the survival of the human species, but one can not ask to be the President of the World! Now that is over the bipolar balance, we Europeans are no longer under the protection United States, we are a heavy and troublesome burden to the carriages. If we continue to do our part to give up, if there doteremo of democratic powers necessary and sufficient at the continental level, we are also the most serious damage to the world's ability to move towards a future of peace and meaningful development models.
And we'll be the first to suffer the consequences, because the fortune 'time and' his impulses, where she knows that are not made and neither the banks' guards to keep it. And if you consider 'Europe,' which is the seat of these changes and what gave them the bike, you'll be a campaign "with banks and shelters ridiculous.
So why so much attention around this internal event of a friendly country? And what about the "half" that would leave luck to our free will to govern the affairs of the world? Alas, asked the right questions, the answer is clear: If American elections are of such great importance to us, if we assume that their course decide the fate of the world, it is because we feel that the U.S. has a capacity to choose and act effectively in the global context and that the U.S. election count in this respect more than any national elections that take place in Europe. Behind the cheering for Obama, is hiding the addiction of all Europeans to count less in the world, to rely on "luck", to give up part granted to our free will to be masters of our future: we are not voting for a Federal Government respected and influential in the concert of great powers who decide the fate of humanity!
But we must look to the bottom face in our situation. Who is left go at the mercy of things, even the good "luck" of others may not be enough. Obama is in many ways a remarkable presidency, a healthier U.S. policy could also imply a less bloody transition to the equilibrium of a multipolar world now. But this is the 44th President of the United States and was entitled to a duty not to go against the reason of state in whose name the rule: it can act with more long-term perspective, in which it is obvious that the well-being of Americans depends on the survival of the human species, but one can not ask to be the President of the World! Now that is over the bipolar balance, we Europeans are no longer under the protection United States, we are a heavy and troublesome burden to the carriages. If we continue to do our part to give up, if there doteremo of democratic powers necessary and sufficient at the continental level, we are also the most serious damage to the world's ability to move towards a future of peace and meaningful development models.
And we'll be the first to suffer the consequences, because the fortune 'time and' his impulses, where she knows that are not made and neither the banks' guards to keep it. And if you consider 'Europe,' which is the seat of these changes and what gave them the bike, you'll be a campaign "with banks and shelters ridiculous.
Francis Pigot
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