Hello everyone!
As the title says, comes the first newspaper that talks about "European"! But what does that say about
Europe? In Europe, in fact, lacking a common language: it was tried some years ago with Esperanto, but the attempt was unsuccessful! Our aim is rather to give voice to
news, events, ideas, in a key that goes beyond the national canons, and that gives our readers a more European. We want this experience if you can or not, in a newspaper, to consider Europe as a unitary subject. To do this we speak of Europe from different points of view, collecting different experiences from all of us students.
Despite the climate of coldness towards the European idea in recent years, it is precisely this that we young people, often unconsciously continues to live: travel, study or work in other European countries, has become an almost within reach of all, many students "go on Erasmus, and with a low-cost airline will reach London or Paris with the same time (and often the same price) that is used to achieve Bologna train. This constant interchange, involuntarily, is contributing to the formation of a "European" culture, where the boy English, French or German, to name a few, is no longer seen as a "foreigner", but as a citizen, like a boy " European ". This does not mean flattening the cultural particularities of various peoples, but rather a continuous enrichment, which leads to sharing, and thus to respect for differences. That is why we created the category "living Europe", which provides useful information on what is there to do in many European cities, through the experiences of boys who were in Erasmus,
or have lived or worked abroad, giving useful information on how to do the same.
Politics is far too often, in this case, from representing the needs of civil society: political parties, trudging in the defense of an ideal national, often, too often proves ineffective in solving complex problems: the crisis economic, environmental and
that the welfare state are just a few examples, where he inferred the difficulty of individual States in carrying out their own effective responses.
Over the past sixty years', the CZECH (the European Coal and Steel Community) was one of the few proposals that succeeded in effect to put an end to a centuries-old dispute between France and Germany on the control of those resources, which led to three wars in Europe and millions of deaths if it worked in that case, think of many other situations in which this can function: The bloated defense spending, would be slim, if instead of having 27 carries, if he had one. Consider then a single body for the management of energy: we would make an authoritative interlocutor to the large energy-producing countries such as Russia and OPEC countries, and could lead to a real project for GHG lariduzione , unworkable in the current situation of continual veto by different weights (one Consider, for example with respect to the conduct of Italy in the Kyoto targets).
In our small (very small indeed!) Of college newspaper, we'd try to see the issues of our time in this key, an alternative viewpoint to the standard, analyzing situations, often seen only at national level, a supranational level: the European one.
also do not want to neglect even the events that occur beyond the borders of the Union, observing the situation of the rest of the world, giving particular attention to the situation of Eastern European countries, thanks to the collaboration that started with Voices of Europe 's Association Annaviva " association founded in honor of Anna Politkovskaya, who works to promote civil rights in the former Soviet Union.
If you would like to participate, the journal is open to all contributions (not money, but of ideas!) For information, write to us at vocideuropa@gmail.com
Roberto Novelli
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