In this period are some facts that occurred more or less important than others and nothing short of amazing.
The first astonishing fact is that we must congratulate Clem Clem Mastellone for the grace Bompressi for granted and assumed to grant it to Sofri.
Even if you are a bit 'stuck on Sofri admittedly a good start against our predictions, we hope to do the same on the false accounting and other filth to Silvium.
When news of the pardon granted to Bompressi, the Nano Ridens recalled that he once received a grace that Grazia Brambilla, known in Milan as the queen of the truck.
general embarrassment for the umpteenth gaffe-Silvio mahogany hair-no one dared to mention former prime minister that his was not an amnesty but a grace (after conviction for false statements in Venice in the process P2) and that there was no talk of the queen of folding but of justice, a word he has always known.
That little mathematical genius of Mouth Tremonti said the financial situation in Italy is not as bad as the new minister said.
Sure, the new minister can count.
not like him that the newly appointed minister rant that she got a hole I do not know how many billions, which then declined sharply until it had to apologize because he was wrong to count ... it is clear that some problems with mathematics him. And of course
Giulietto Puppets is not dramatic, the situation in Italy earning about € 14 000 per month as a deputy, I would see if they had lived five years with a salary of one thousand euro per month (which is even lower) and with prices increasing even in hyper -triscount.
If you do not comb the waves as if it were Moratti and his little mouth shut might even pass for a normal.
Culture, nay ...
There is a woman of whom I never speak willingly, the Americans would like to have lived in Italy, the Italians who lived in America. The words of an old
totally rimbecillita and able to sell a few books now only spreading hatred and venom spitting are fallacious as his surname.
Oriana Fallaci, in a bad mood because of menopause that lasts for thirty years, coming to know that would be built a mosque in Siena voiced, and as always, in years part said bullshit.
"I do not want to see this mosque, it is very close to my home in Tuscany. I do not want to see a 24 meter minaret in the landscape of Giotto, when I go to their countries can not even wear a cross or carry a Bible. If I am still I'll live by my friends in Carrara, the city of marble. There are all anarchists, take them with explosives and blow up do. " We recommend where to put the snake sticks, so maybe it will be a bit 'more cheerful, and we think of those poor Muslims who are likely to see pass the front of the window Fallaci, perhaps naked.
And with that we talked too much of this despicable person that has been proposed as a senator for life by many members of the former government.
war to export democracy by force by the Americans are making is booming.
Assuming that export democracy by force is a little 'how to talk about a romantic rape, the Marines do not seem to be helping the new government Iraq, but rather that they are trying to consume more weapons as possible in order to renew their arms before the next elections, the condition imposed by the lobbies of those selling U.S. arms to support the Republican candidate.
For Haditha, according to the reconstructions, in retaliation for a bomb that had killed their buddy, a group of Marines of the Third Battalion, the first regiment, twenty-four has killed civilians, including unarmed women and children. A
Hamdaniya instead is accused in the killing of an Iraqi Marines unarmed, killed in cold blood for no apparent reason, after having done so out of his house.
guess that the people of Haditha and Hamdaniya are so happy U.S. aid and will be forever grateful to those who have invaded, tortured and murdered in retaliation as the Nazis did during World War II.
And who benefits is Bush and his puppeteers, all of tanker, with soaring oil prices as a result of this war, are enriched every day.
Doppiomalto And to think that George Bush was about to be killed by the attack of a suicide bomber pretzel some time ago ... do you think genius (the pretzel, of course).
E 'was killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, strangely shortly after taking off the mask he wore for years and have showed well in the face.
O's came the irrepressible desire to become a star of small screen, the next step would be tronista by Maria De Filippi, or something I'm not wrong. A guerrilla
an expert who knows how to move to his house and is flanked by people who would die (and die) for him, he decided to show the world his face and was killed shortly afterwards, it was said even by accident, and her beautiful bearded big face is flat-spotted the journalists met by American officials as evidence of the killing ... just as the increasing public disapproval for the behavior of the Marines in Iraq reopens the discussion on the twin towers and Bush's popularity drops.
seems to me that he may judge what the little plus ... Photo may be one like him as much of the western Arabs all look the same and that his eyes are closed and therefore even less recognizable.
When it comes to DNA then I believe him, but the worm of the many lies told by the Americans to justify their invasion and the powerful technical means available to them bring me to always be a bit 'suspicious.
And then
Who does the DNA test? The Americans?
How can they have a DNA sample of al-Zarqawi to be compared to see if it matches?
So I am not convinced at all.
Now I leave you suggesting that you find interesting reading in a row, the ratio of SISDE, the Secret Service civilians, Cesare Previti on these and Marcello Dell'Utri
... As always remember that they are official documents for public consultation having already been disclosed.
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