"61 to 0 because there is no electoral system is changed, if it had not changed we would have won 61 to 0 "
(Toto 'Cuffaro)
Luckily, they changed them.
Thanks again to the electoral law intended only by the center.
And thanks again mate Mirko Tremaglia, always in our thoughts.
Cuffaro, on trial for Mafia against a victim of the mafia, Rita Borsellino, sister of Judge Paul killed by the Mafia in 1992.
LoRozzo Ignatius said Rita Borsellino he used his name to stand.
Even Totò Cuffaro, on trial for being a mole in the mob for having two Mafia bosses warned that the police were investigating the them, and given the evidence will probably be convicted, and then forced to resign, instead he used the name of the Mafia families to get elected ....
And then he says that "Sicilians are good people" really "people" would be odd, it says "is good people", Toto.
And then raises the bridge over the Strait of Messina, so dear to the mafia in order to better carry on the "continent" any goods, as ferries and ships are easier to control.
Opera plus much lasting about 100 years due to the displacement of water on the land (at least those not controlled by the mafia) and with a life-even price that hair transplanted from Don Silvio seventy would seem a good deal.
We are close to those who voted for the mafia, and despise those who voted for Cuffaro. At Uber
Alemanno does not seem to have won. Perhaps
show the Celtic cross attached to the neck and tell that he was arrested for throwing a fire bomb the embassy of the former Soviet Union has done a great advertising-Costello Gianni Alemanno.
In a previous comment comparing Alemanno's voice to that of the Simpsons, but now we have to retract, is closer to Costello's famous comedy duo Abbott and Costello. In apparent confusion
the former minister also said that the Romans did not show affection to Walter Veltroni that he had expected.
Veltroni won just over 60% of the votes he needed to do more, fuck your wife?
He also said that he was penalized by renal colic Veltroni, who did not allow him (even if he were the favorite) to do a face to face with the mayor appreciated the Roman Empire.
said that the former wish renal colic (I enjoy writing it) Minister Alemanno, so will see what you mean. Forrest Gump
The man who defines his eyes too close together and that always affects also said that there will be a tough opposition from his ... almost 40%, we'll see. Yet
-Costello knew Gianni Alemanno Rome is not well seen, had already proposed three times to various municipal offices and had never been elected, has now tried to Mayor and here too was defeated, and four .... You want to understand?? ROME DO NOT WANT.
Another minister was candidate for mayor. Rocco Siffredi-
After reaching the great goal of 29% of the former minister (and to say I enjoy this too) said:
"We've got the media management of the municipality of Turin Winter Olympics," a man into the fray, the Mr. Bean Italian, is not his fault ... is he who sent him out alone.
Cacciato before going out as commissioner unhappy about homosexuals and single mothers husband, ironically approached Socrates as a philosopher (???) every time he opens his mouth is almost tender.
Unfortunately, he was candidate for mayor at the last moment otherwise, if the people of Turin had known a bit 'better, would come to 2%. Letizia Moratti-
Unfortunately that is the argument made for Cuffaro, although in a different way ... those who have voted if it deserves and we're sorry for those who have not voted. Certainly
Moratti is not accused of mafia, at least this has only to blame for ruining the education reforms in Italy with nothing short of appalling, and it is not little.
newly appointed mayor has changed its name to the Ministry, the Ministry of Education in the Ministry of Education, just to understand immediately what he had in mind.
favored private schools and therefore damage the public sector (but she has friends among the owners of private schools into public ones mica) and made sure that the figure of the researcher will disappear in a few years, providing researchers a new contract three years renewable once, and then ... in the middle of a road.
Having done so well in education by both students and teachers fail to unite in protest against its reform, now will manage a city like Milan.
Good luck, of course, that the objection to the Milanese.
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