I'm not joking. The desire to have made me go through this crap of the pardon. I never would have expected from this government salvapreviti a law, which actually served three years of the sentence to a lawyer convicted of bribing a judge, who was convicted of vote trading mafia, various crafty, volunteers to murderers, rapists and I could go to. not put the excuse of prisons too full because it certainly does not is resolved by putting out such a low percentage. started to put the boys held out for a few barrel (abolishing the Fini Giovanardi) and also avoid some suicide. abolishes the crap Bossi-Fini. began to allocate money for the treatment of addiction. And if someone were to get out of jail put out who stole from starvation. and begins to work, since they earn an average of fifteen thousand euros per month plus' THE COSTS! If I remember correctly horses battle of the campaign were DO NOW A LAW ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST, punish the falsification of accounts, withdrawing troops from Iraq and eliminate all laws made by the previous government. At the time of this writing have passed seventy-eight days, nineteen hours and five minutes of setting up the Prodi government has not been made and no law on conflict of interest, or the falsification of accounts, or have been withdrawn our troops from Iraq, and none of the bullshit-laws made by the previous government was repealed, even with the pardon they have been another. If they wanted me to get angry and ashamed of them Rated this time, after several attempts, we have really succeeded. If I wanted a pardon (salvapreviti & Co) I would have voted for Berlusconi. THE BLOG WILL 'CLOSED UNTIL ELECTION PROMISES WILL START ON LAW AND THE VOTERS. WILL 'When will I' Passes of stress and I will be 'back the desire for entertainment, IF THIS GOVERNMENT SHOULD DO ANOTHER Pigs TO BERLUSCONI "The blog will be' closed down in protest. Thanks to anyone who has visited so far, to those who sent us material, ideas or suggestions. We are always available via e-mail to respond to those who wish to contact us. Thank
U.S. (almost) back ...
We are solving the technical problems that we mentioned recently, in the meantime click to hate Berlusconi to watch the video of the fascists who applaud Berlusconi's Forza Nuova and hail the Duce and the heartfelt thanks that Nano Ridens before making his famous statement pre-election ... If the video were put
a while to load be patient (it is at most 1-2 minutes), we hope to solve this problem as soon as possible.
We are again full of material to be included as soon as we solved the server (I think within a few days) we will come back as often as before.
In this period are some facts that occurred more or less important than others and nothing short of amazing. Politica_1 The first astonishing fact is that we must congratulate Clem Clem Mastellone for the grace Bompressi for granted and assumed to grant it to Sofri.
Even if you are a bit 'stuck on Sofri admittedly a good start against our predictions, we hope to do the same on the false accounting and other filth to Silvium.
When news of the pardon granted to Bompressi, the Nano Ridens recalled that he once received a grace that Grazia Brambilla, known in Milan as the queen of the truck.
general embarrassment for the umpteenth gaffe-Silvio mahogany hair-no one dared to mention former prime minister that his was not an amnesty but a grace (after conviction for false statements in Venice in the process P2) and that there was no talk of the queen of folding but of justice, a word he has always known. Politica_2 That little mathematical genius of Mouth Tremonti said the financial situation in Italy is not as bad as the new minister said.
Sure, the new minister can count.
not like him that the newly appointed minister rant that she got a hole I do not know how many billions, which then declined sharply until it had to apologize because he was wrong to count ... it is clear that some problems with mathematics him. And of course
Giulietto Puppets is not dramatic, the situation in Italy earning about € 14 000 per month as a deputy, I would see if they had lived five years with a salary of one thousand euro per month (which is even lower) and with prices increasing even in hyper -triscount.
If you do not comb the waves as if it were Moratti and his little mouth shut might even pass for a normal. Culture, nay ...
Minchiate_ There is a woman of whom I never speak willingly, the Americans would like to have lived in Italy, the Italians who lived in America. The words of an old
totally rimbecillita and able to sell a few books now only spreading hatred and venom spitting are fallacious as his surname.
Oriana Fallaci, in a bad mood because of menopause that lasts for thirty years, coming to know that would be built a mosque in Siena voiced, and as always, in years part said bullshit.
"I do not want to see this mosque, it is very close to my home in Tuscany. I do not want to see a 24 meter minaret in the landscape of Giotto, when I go to their countries can not even wear a cross or carry a Bible. If I am still I'll live by my friends in Carrara, the city of marble. There are all anarchists, take them with explosives and blow up do. " We recommend where to put the snake sticks, so maybe it will be a bit 'more cheerful, and we think of those poor Muslims who are likely to see pass the front of the window Fallaci, perhaps naked.
And with that we talked too much of this despicable person that has been proposed as a senator for life by many members of the former government. Estero_ war to export democracy by force by the Americans are making is booming.
Assuming that export democracy by force is a little 'how to talk about a romantic rape, the Marines do not seem to be helping the new government Iraq, but rather that they are trying to consume more weapons as possible in order to renew their arms before the next elections, the condition imposed by the lobbies of those selling U.S. arms to support the Republican candidate.
For Haditha, according to the reconstructions, in retaliation for a bomb that had killed their buddy, a group of Marines of the Third Battalion, the first regiment, twenty-four has killed civilians, including unarmed women and children. A
Hamdaniya instead is accused in the killing of an Iraqi Marines unarmed, killed in cold blood for no apparent reason, after having done so out of his house.
guess that the people of Haditha and Hamdaniya are so happy U.S. aid and will be forever grateful to those who have invaded, tortured and murdered in retaliation as the Nazis did during World War II.
And who benefits is Bush and his puppeteers, all of tanker, with soaring oil prices as a result of this war, are enriched every day.
Doppiomalto And to think that George Bush was about to be killed by the attack of a suicide bomber pretzel some time ago ... do you think genius (the pretzel, of course).
E 'was killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, strangely shortly after taking off the mask he wore for years and have showed well in the face.
O's came the irrepressible desire to become a star of small screen, the next step would be tronista by Maria De Filippi, or something I'm not wrong. A guerrilla
an expert who knows how to move to his house and is flanked by people who would die (and die) for him, he decided to show the world his face and was killed shortly afterwards, it was said even by accident, and her beautiful bearded big face is flat-spotted the journalists met by American officials as evidence of the killing ... just as the increasing public disapproval for the behavior of the Marines in Iraq reopens the discussion on the twin towers and Bush's popularity drops.
seems to me that he may judge what the little plus ... Photo may be one like him as much of the western Arabs all look the same and that his eyes are closed and therefore even less recognizable.
When it comes to DNA then I believe him, but the worm of the many lies told by the Americans to justify their invasion and the powerful technical means available to them bring me to always be a bit 'suspicious.
And then
Who does the DNA test? The Americans?
How can they have a DNA sample of al-Zarqawi to be compared to see if it matches?
So I am not convinced at all.
Now I leave you suggesting that you find interesting reading in a row, the ratio of SISDE, the Secret Service civilians, Cesare Previti on these and Marcello Dell'Utri
... As always remember that they are official documents for public consultation having already been disclosed.
The Odd Couple ... ADMINISTRATIVE secret information SISDE (civilian secret service) in July 2002 on Cesare Previti and Marcello Dell'Utri RESERVED PRECISELY SUBJECT: Intervention Leoluca Bagarella the process of Trapani. 1. On 12 July, during a hearing of a process in Trapani, Leoluca Bagarella, who spoke by video-conference, gave a speech - on behalf of all inmates are placed under the Eagle prison "hard" - against the 'Article 41a. It was an unprecedented initiative in the history of the Cosa Nostra, an initiative which is part of a lobbying campaign led by the Mafia with non brutal but sophisticated, aiming at a revision of the prison regime they undergo. not only makes the 41 a "harder" the daily life in prison but above all - and this is intolerable for Cosa Nostra - makes it very difficult links with the outside. leaders of Cosa Nostra if prisoners are not able to deliver their orders outside lose control of households and over time, are effectively de-legitimized. Bagarella, in his unpublished statement, spoke of "broken promises" and used "political". Bagarella's protest follows a few months another unusual initiative Mafia: Last March Peter Aglieri wrote a letter to the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor, Vigna, and the Chief Prosecutor of Palermo, fat, which is appealed to institutions with "vision" should also ensure the mafia "fair trial". Between March and July, ie between the letter and that of Aglieri Bagarella, the response of the political class to instances of Cosa Nostra was entirely negative: the Bill Saporito-Pepe, which provides for retroactive effect of reform of due process (with obvious positive effect on the position of convicted mafiosi) shall not, while on 41 bis, all political forces, almost unanimously, have spoken against the abolition and in favor of any further escalation. The situation therefore sees the leaders of the Cosa Nostra in front of a frustration of hopes, which is likely to wish to respond. 2. At this time, according to reliable sources of environment, Cosa Nostra, the crisis of the 90s is once again very strong in terms of economy, control of territory and infiltration in the most sensitive of Sicilian society. This state of affairs makes it even more urgent the need for the Mafia, to keep those connections open between fugitive convicts and heads, which makes the 41 a very precarious. In addition, the state of discomfort in lower and middle cadres of the organization: in fact, while the leaders manage to ensure a high standard of living for their families, for the soldiers, cut off from the business, and their families the situation is more difficult. Thus, as demonstrated by the initiatives and Aglieri Bagarella and information environment, the bosses have decided to "reject", however, the continuation of this status. The same sources indicate that, given the ineffectiveness of the proposed "peace", the leaders of the Cosa Nostra in prison may have decided to respond with the tools traditional criminal hitting targets paganti.Secondo held to the same sources have stated their intention but "this time ..." "not to make heroes." 3. This information is analyzed in the light of: - the interception of telephone calls have also been published in the press, including Bernardo Provenzano and Pino Lipari, which show that the massacres of '92 (Falcone-Borsellino) and '93 (the attacks in the Rome-Florence-Milan ) were a mistake (with the State did not make war, but you have to live ") - certainly counterproductive effects for the whole of a mafia organization strategy frontal confrontation with the institutions - the ineffectiveness of "proposals" of the protest and Aglieri Bagarella, suggest highly probable that in the short to medium term, Cosa Nostra hits back selectively and symbolically, avoiding, however, relapse eventual elimination of a negative personality similar to Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and other senior policymakers murdered in the past ("we will not heroes"). The message that such a criminal action should convey to the world of policy and public opinion should be such as to arouse attention, with little or no reaction from the State and, if possible - to be truly effective - give rise to institutional destabilizing effects. The target could be a personality that policy regardless of his actual involvement in the affairs of the Mafia, is still perceived as "mascara", as a compromise with the mafia and therefore not defensible in terms of public opinion. This line of reasoning suggests that Mr Marcello Dell'Utri from Cosa Nostra to be perceived as an ideal target "(along with other members of the Sicilian House of Freedoms). L ' member of Forza Palermo Italy is on trial for Mafia association outside, is systematically set up various print media (and in recent television) as a mafia, however, compromised by friendships. Last January was released with great emphasis on the text of wiretaps in which Mafia leaders spoke of the need to support the elections, while these days the great fanfare with which the media report the "revelations" of the Colonel Riccio about the alleged meeting between the leader of Forza Italy and the boss Madonia and in the daily press has been given the equation "Lima-Dell'Utri. The its contours negative media exposure and its proximity to the President of the Board might be deemed useful by the mafia to send a strong message of criminal and destabilizing impact. destabilizing Similarly, in this view, could be considered an attack against the Hon. The Previti, whose public profile is very similar to that of Hon. The Dell'Utri, even in regard to relations with the President Council. If the mafia, as sources say, wants to return to an attack is likely to choose a strong impact, with destabilizing effects on the political and fit - however, to make it clear the State (as they were not able to do Aglieri Bagarella) that the leaders of the Cosa Nostra does not intend to accept the status-quo. Rome, July 17, 2002 PRECISELY SUBJECT: open letter addressed to the Secretary of the Italian Radicals, signed by 31 inmates Article submitted by mobsters. 41 a prison in Novara. In recent days, 31 prison inmates placed under different provisions of art. 41 bis, which is currently confined in the prison of Novara, had sent to the Secretary of the Italian Radicals, Daniele Capezzone, an open letter, with which they intended to protest strongly against the conduct of criminal lawyers, their lawyers already, and now members of the Parliament of the Republic. Signatories to the letter, including aspects of the top of the Sicilian mafia as a serious and Joseph Salvatore Madonia, the recipients of the complaints allege that the shift in opinion as to the appropriateness of maintaining the measures laid down ' art. 41 a: in essence, the promoters of the initiative on the subject have remarked on how these gentlemen, when it held the legal profession, deprecated the application of 41 bis, then become a strongly favorable to a further, long extension of the measure. L '"warning" sent to criminal Palermo become MPs, accused of neglecting the expectations of many defendants have defended in court, it is interpreted in areas of interest as indicating the intention of prisoners for acts of mob plan criminal actions against themselves. Rome, July 19, 2002
"61 to 0 because there is no electoral system is changed, if it had not changed we would have won 61 to 0 "
(Toto 'Cuffaro)
Luckily, they changed them.
Thanks again to the electoral law intended only by the center.
And thanks again mate Mirko Tremaglia, always in our thoughts.
Cuffaro, on trial for Mafia against a victim of the mafia, Rita Borsellino, sister of Judge Paul killed by the Mafia in 1992.
LoRozzo Ignatius said Rita Borsellino he used his name to stand.
Even Totò Cuffaro, on trial for being a mole in the mob for having two Mafia bosses warned that the police were investigating the them, and given the evidence will probably be convicted, and then forced to resign, instead he used the name of the Mafia families to get elected ....
And then he says that "Sicilians are good people" really "people" would be odd, it says "is good people", Toto.
And then raises the bridge over the Strait of Messina, so dear to the mafia in order to better carry on the "continent" any goods, as ferries and ships are easier to control.
Opera plus much lasting about 100 years due to the displacement of water on the land (at least those not controlled by the mafia) and with a life-even price that hair transplanted from Don Silvio seventy would seem a good deal.
We are close to those who voted for the mafia, and despise those who voted for Cuffaro. At Uber
Alemanno does not seem to have won. Perhaps
show the Celtic cross attached to the neck and tell that he was arrested for throwing a fire bomb the embassy of the former Soviet Union has done a great advertising-Costello Gianni Alemanno.
In a previous comment comparing Alemanno's voice to that of the Simpsons, but now we have to retract, is closer to Costello's famous comedy duo Abbott and Costello. In apparent confusion
the former minister also said that the Romans did not show affection to Walter Veltroni that he had expected.
Veltroni won just over 60% of the votes he needed to do more, fuck your wife?
He also said that he was penalized by renal colic Veltroni, who did not allow him (even if he were the favorite) to do a face to face with the mayor appreciated the Roman Empire.
said that the former wish renal colic (I enjoy writing it) Minister Alemanno, so will see what you mean. Forrest Gump
The man who defines his eyes too close together and that always affects also said that there will be a tough opposition from his ... almost 40%, we'll see. Yet
-Costello knew Gianni Alemanno Rome is not well seen, had already proposed three times to various municipal offices and had never been elected, has now tried to Mayor and here too was defeated, and four .... You want to understand?? ROME DO NOT WANT.
Another minister was candidate for mayor. Rocco Siffredi-
After reaching the great goal of 29% of the former minister (and to say I enjoy this too) said:
"We've got the media management of the municipality of Turin Winter Olympics," a man into the fray, the Mr. Bean Italian, is not his fault ... is he who sent him out alone.
Cacciato before going out as commissioner unhappy about homosexuals and single mothers husband, ironically approached Socrates as a philosopher (???) every time he opens his mouth is almost tender.
Unfortunately, he was candidate for mayor at the last moment otherwise, if the people of Turin had known a bit 'better, would come to 2%. Letizia Moratti-
Unfortunately that is the argument made for Cuffaro, although in a different way ... those who have voted if it deserves and we're sorry for those who have not voted. Certainly
Moratti is not accused of mafia, at least this has only to blame for ruining the education reforms in Italy with nothing short of appalling, and it is not little.
newly appointed mayor has changed its name to the Ministry, the Ministry of Education in the Ministry of Education, just to understand immediately what he had in mind.
favored private schools and therefore damage the public sector (but she has friends among the owners of private schools into public ones mica) and made sure that the figure of the researcher will disappear in a few years, providing researchers a new contract three years renewable once, and then ... in the middle of a road.
Having done so well in education by both students and teachers fail to unite in protest against its reform, now will manage a city like Milan.
Good luck, of course, that the objection to the Milanese.
CARO ZAPATERO TI writes ... While to remain on the front pages of newspapers Ridens the Nano would be willing to strip to Bagaglino, God saves.
This time the man suspected of Italy sought a solace and allies abroad, as well as our own are worth little in his view, having laid down in various ways, such as traitors or incompetent, and having given them the blame for defeat . His
however, are allies who have taken the same votes in the previous elections, if not more so as the UDC's Pierfico Casini, while Forza Italy has lost six points, while remaining the most voted party in Italy due to a species lobotomy of the television which were submitted with the TV.
So the causes of the defeat should guardarsele at his house, because if he had taken the votes of past elections would have won by a margin of almost six points, but fortunately did not happen and we rejoice.
allies abroad, or at least the moral support that Fairhair look around Europe, but merely sent a letter a bit 'random to all those available to address, without distinction.
And above without looking at what political party they belonged recipients of his poignant farewell, many of whom have invited friends to read it to get two good laugh with friends. Of course, not missing a
bit 'arrogance to which we have become accustomed to the half-man, and of course even some lies.
reforms and praised its "special" the Italian electoral law, as if he had not done him, and then the smash of the summer, the recount of the ballots.
this letter we report that was sent to Jose Luis Zapatero, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, a communist.
Laciamo the floor on little things, now, even if you do not want to give an account can only decide the fate of Mediaset and not those of Italy.
"José Luis Caro, after five years I am going to leave the guidance of the Italian government. It was a period of stability unprecedented in the history of the Italian Republic, which allowed me to launch 36 major reforms to modernize the country and to develop an especially important and positive relations with colleagues in other countries europei.Come you probably know, the electoral system Italian, despite my personal success (Forza Italy is by far the first Italian party), the coalition that was driving overall majority in terms of votes but a minority in terms of parliamentary representation. As opposition leader, however, represent 50.2 percent of the country and I hope to return soon to the government after they have been verified over a million and one hundred thousand thank you cards annullate.Ti for the friendly relationship we have established and I assure you that I will continue to follow with great interest your commitment to Spain and to Europe, I wish you and your government every success and I remain at your disposal to work together for the report Italian-English and a future based on the ideals of the peoples of Europe in which both crediamo.Ti remember that you have a friend who loves you! A strong abbraccioSilvio "
If you want to see the original letter and / or download just a click HERE
publish below the names of some of the Italian Parliament and what they did to you to judge ....
(List published before the election on 9 and April 10).
Tomassini, Antonio
Senator, Forza Italy. It 'been convicted of forgery, a final ruling in 2000, when he was a doctor because he had forged in Busto Arsizio and then destroyed the medical records of a child born with brain problems. Forza Italy it has been appointed Head of Health for Forza Italy and chairman of the Senate Health Committee.
Verdini, Denis
Representative of the Republic. He was elected in proportional representation, in Florence, Italy in the lists of Forza. A call to Berlusconi Florence in Tuscany. President of the Credit Cooperative Bank in Florence, after an inspection of the Bank of Italy in his institute, has been investigated for false accounting. is editor of the Journal of Tuscany and owns the sheet Giuliano Ferrara. The prosecutor asked for the Florence Verdini a trial for rape: it jumped on him in his office, a lady who was going to ask him to get a loan from his bank.
Musotto, Francesco
President of the Province of Palermo. Lawyer, former socialist, move to Italy Force. Arrested for Mafia, because in his home country is hosting a fugitive mob boss. Acquitted. After the death of Falcone, the Minister of Tourism, his council, at its request and with his consent, said: "We are considering, through the study of statistics, the opportunity to demonstrate that because of the massacres of Capaci the flow of tourists in Palermo fell THEREFORE economic damage. " He published papers reported in Sicily during the commemoration of the slaughter capacity in which the word never appears mafia.
Galvez, Deputy George
Forza Italy. Former socialist mayor of Asti, in 1996 he bargained 6 months and 26 days in jail for groundwater pollution, abuse and lack of office acts, false ideological, intentional crimes against public health (PER have polluted groundwater, SO ' WATER DRAW FOR ECONOMIC GAIN) and failure to report those responsible for the scandal Tangentopoli Asti landfill and Vallemanina Valleandona (disposing of banned toxic and hazardous waste in exchange for bribes).