from The Piazza Duomo, 13 December speech New Year of the Head of State and it was really spent a lot of water under the bridge.
First, we saw the birth of Love Party, last successful brand the PDL. So Gasparri, the Cicchitto, La Russa, are suddenly followers of a political organization that began as party- company, has become mentally unstable due to the insane act of Milan, a religious sect that preaches peace , poverty ( others), tolerance, love of neighbor ...
What then additive in the Parliament as their enemies Santoro, Di Pietro, that "media terrorist" by Marco Travaglio is just a detail, even a malicious allusion to the words loving, even passionate, spoken Former piduista Fabrizio Cicchitto he meant, with that happy talk, simply denounce the climate of hate that he wanted to put up opposition, despite everything, reach out and invite reflection on those who still persist in not recognizing the stature ( institutional ) the Prime Minister.
So we have to assist more than twenty days at a festival of Italian politics full of good feelings, such as passwords openness to dialogue, muted tones, calmer atmosphere , launch of a shared reform.
The icing on the cake was the letter of Christmas wishes sent to the Pope through Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the devout Catholic that Silvio Berlusconi, in a step, so it reassures
The icing on the cake was the letter of Christmas wishes sent to the Pope through Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the devout Catholic that Silvio Berlusconi, in a step, so it reassures
"I can confirm that the values \u200b\u200bshown by the Christian pontiff are always present in the action of the Government which I chair, that will take all necessary measures to ensure social peace and serenity. "
What do you expect more?
We are governed not only by a great entrepreneur, innocent victim of hate communism, but also a God fearing man, who scrupulously observes the Ten Commandments missionary, moreover benefactor of the Italians.
The rest, as they say Marcello Dell'Utri unison and Augusto Minzolini TG1, are all bullshit.
At this point, as not to exploit this lucky alignment of the stars, to make institutional reforms?
The rest, as they say Marcello Dell'Utri unison and Augusto Minzolini TG1, are all bullshit.
At this point, as not to exploit this lucky alignment of the stars, to make institutional reforms?
When ever found in history that can accompany such a man by the hand 's shadowy Italy?
Meanwhile, on the occasion of a parliament still on holiday, you re-enable a Father of the Nation: 's exile Craxi from Hammamet.
Yes, that's him, we are talking about the philosopher of the new City of the Sun : Tangentopoli.
The mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti, about to be titled a street or a park, wants to celebrate with pomp the memory: in the meantime, it equates to rightly Giordano Bruno and Giuseppe Garibaldi. More
quietly, as is now using lexical Democrats after the decisive contribution of the secretariat of Walter Veltroni Piero Fassino it exalts the figure of little David who dared to challenge the two political Goliaths, the Christian Democrats and the Communist Party:
"There is no doubt. Craxi was a politician of the left, following the history of reformist socialism. He has revitalized the PSI, has realized what others before Italy was in need of economic and institutional modernization, challenged on this two large forces such as the DC and the PCI and experiencing the risk of not making it, did not escape the temptation of an alliance with the powers that be, as the P2 Gelli, which has gained ground on the degeneration and corruption. "
reasoning , its the result of an acute political analysis: no surprise if, in the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of New Hero , we were to see the parade alongside the Reverend while self-flagellation at the foot of the mausoleum of Hammamet.
But Secretary Democratic Party, Pierluigi Bersani, would not comment.
are now over two months, took too seriously the invitation of President Napolitano to tone down the rhetoric, has even cleared the volume: silent.
anyone sees in his typical aplomb to the immobility of a building administrator, and thus continuing for a few days, while in Puglia and Lazio in tearing apart the party not to choose candidates in the forthcoming Regional, will become fully the liquidator .
Finally, Massimo D'Alema, with its proverbial nose that always makes the most intelligent and the Italian political loser urges her to look at any price agreement for reform with the great constitutionalist Silvio Berlusconi, receiving assent to unified networks of President Giorgio Napolitano.
That, however, in the year-end message you forgot to make amends for the error made in July 2008 had promulgated the patently unconstitutional on two feet Alfano, then quashed in no uncertain terms by the Supreme Court last October.
Meanwhile, on the occasion of a parliament still on holiday, you re-enable a Father of the Nation: 's exile Craxi from Hammamet.
Yes, that's him, we are talking about the philosopher of the new City of the Sun : Tangentopoli.
The mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti, about to be titled a street or a park, wants to celebrate with pomp the memory: in the meantime, it equates to rightly Giordano Bruno and Giuseppe Garibaldi. More
quietly, as is now using lexical Democrats after the decisive contribution of the secretariat of Walter Veltroni Piero Fassino it exalts the figure of little David who dared to challenge the two political Goliaths, the Christian Democrats and the Communist Party:
"There is no doubt. Craxi was a politician of the left, following the history of reformist socialism. He has revitalized the PSI, has realized what others before Italy was in need of economic and institutional modernization, challenged on this two large forces such as the DC and the PCI and experiencing the risk of not making it, did not escape the temptation of an alliance with the powers that be, as the P2 Gelli, which has gained ground on the degeneration and corruption. "
reasoning , its the result of an acute political analysis: no surprise if, in the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of New Hero , we were to see the parade alongside the Reverend while self-flagellation at the foot of the mausoleum of Hammamet.
But Secretary Democratic Party, Pierluigi Bersani, would not comment.
are now over two months, took too seriously the invitation of President Napolitano to tone down the rhetoric, has even cleared the volume: silent.
anyone sees in his typical aplomb to the immobility of a building administrator, and thus continuing for a few days, while in Puglia and Lazio in tearing apart the party not to choose candidates in the forthcoming Regional, will become fully the liquidator .
Finally, Massimo D'Alema, with its proverbial nose that always makes the most intelligent and the Italian political loser urges her to look at any price agreement for reform with the great constitutionalist Silvio Berlusconi, receiving assent to unified networks of President Giorgio Napolitano.
That, however, in the year-end message you forgot to make amends for the error made in July 2008 had promulgated the patently unconstitutional on two feet Alfano, then quashed in no uncertain terms by the Supreme Court last October.
But at this point we are all raised morale.
Why the dawn of 2010, perhaps because dell'esecrabile gesture Massimo Tartaglia, the crazy thug of the cathedral, there is an atmosphere different from President Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pierluigi Bersani ( alias Massimo D 'Alema).
Whether you are drawing a new triangle leaden in the firmament of Italian politics so far?
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