I quote from Wikipedia (and comments in brackets): Dictatorship
Dictatorship is a form of authoritarian government in which power is concentrated in a only organ ( and we, having decided the candidate for prime minister who put in Parliament by not allowing citizens to choose parliamentarians from eleggere.Naturalmente those elected have a debt to those who have entered the lists ) even in the hands of a only dictator ( his allies are only stewards that sometimes they open their mouth and are silenced or bought-which he paid to see Bossi debt to a bankruptcy estate in exchange for his loyalty ) not limited by law, ( Lodo Alfano, now is not justiciable and can do anything without being incriminato.Potrebbe even kill someone and not be judged ) constitutions ( never met, I would say that gives the same value as toilet paper ) or other internal political factors and social status (and here we ).
In a broad sense, the dictatorship has thus the meaning of absolute dominance, authoritarianism. Et voila
Someone recognizes the current Italian situation? I do.
The political-historical moment during which it became worse as the exact positions of the sides, who were left, who were done right and moving from one faction to another is historically known as "processing period", and that is that preceded fascism in Italy.
people Meditate, meditate ... if the media have not yet driven stoned at all.
(not in the sense of Police, assured you of Forza Italy, or what is your name now)
All dictators, Hitler and Mussolini, the first that come to mind me there are many others have followed this location:
1) seized the media ( drive public opinion, publishing only the news in favor and manipulate other )
2) Winning the election democratically ( thanks to the media )
3) Once in power to establish a scheme ( be above the law, obtain the absolute power ).
To you still do not remember anyone? To me, yes.
This is history.
brief example of the manipulation of news.
few days ago TG1del director Gianni Riotta, wanted by the center (or what's left of it) has given so this news:
Silvio Berlusconi must meet the judges for having thanked the lawyer Mills tot money to have helped in another process.
The real news, is not manipulated:
Silvio Berlusconi is on trial for bribing a lawyer Mills tot with money so that the lawyer COMPIESSE PERJURY AT A TRIAL THAT WAS FOR BERLUSCONI AND THANKS TO WHICH ' current Prime Minister has taken advantage of (Mediaset rights)
(Photo 1: Italian partisans)
(Photo 2: The end deserves some people)
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