Someone who keeps his mouth shut and ...
publishing the article of an Argentine newspaper on the alleged Sexgate involving Berlusconi and Carfagna minister ... the taste makes money.
But first a reflection.
premise that who does what to whom I could not care less, in general.
But if the "thing" (read: fellatio) is made by a leader of the opposition to the showgirl, showgirl and this without any political experience was later appointed minister in the government formed by the beneficiary of their "thing" the question changes.
course, we mere mortals can not know the text of the call during which they seem to have been used hard tones.
The problem is that the idea that voters should know how to behave every day a person who has the power, which has many advantages but it must also have responsibilities.
This is gossip when certain rumors are based on a player and a Tissue, after all who cares.
For example, if a person is a candidate making sure their values \u200b\u200band is elected for that, if later in life every day is the first do not respect the people should know.
I am not referring to that particular case for two reasons: we are not allowed to know the details of the call as us poor bastards that we could then have an idea (good or bad) of the morality of persons empowered to make important decisions for the life of our country, and because we think of those powers to assess the situation.
What I can do is express my opinion on wiretapping.
During an investigation should not be made public in order not to favor the defendants, but once an investigation is concluded, the people, therefore voters should have the right to know how does a person who makes decisions even for us.
If one promises to fight against prostitution and then does a tourist rental of sex you should know, so those who voted for that reason it would vote next time.
If one talks about Christian values \u200b\u200band then get caught in a hotel during a party with prostitutes and cocaine, and there remains a nearly dry overdose you should know (real Mr Apples?).
If one decides the ministers of his government on the basis of ability, but according to other yardsticks you should know.
And to think that the presentation of Ministers had provided a description for each one ... just read the archive of posts Carfagna.
Ok, I'm good, bring it.
Equal Opportunities. Mara Carfagna.
should ask, "Is it true what they say about dwarves" as DeAndre sang ... she might know.
The following is a translation of the article published on the content of the interception on an Argentine newspaper, the link to the original article can be found by clicking on the title of the post.
(The one that says "There are those who keep their mouths shut and who ..." in short).
As to the course on wiretapping hopefully good.
In the worst cases do not remove the oranges, I do be the acidity. Grabaciones FUERTE CONTENT WITH EROTIC
Sexgate to the Italian: Berlusconi y el Escándalo salpica a minister
Prime Minister Berlusconi and one of his government were implicated in a scandal already 'called "Sexgate" as what ten years ago almost cost' the U.S. presidency, Bill Clinton, because of its confirmed games oral sex in the oval room of the White House with Monica Lewinsky fellow. For several days, both the press and the talk of the Italian political power, especially in the chambers of deputies and senators, is growing, "it says." It is said that Pandora's box of 8,400 wiretaps made by the justice of a corruption trial in Naples, which could culminate in a criminal trial against Silvio Berlusconi, there are some calls that do not have criminal law but are a deadly cocktail for their high erotic content and references to oral sex, which the Italians call the "blowjob". Until now, these intercepts are not over in the pages of any newspaper or magazine, as would be usual in this country, 'on any internet site, where rivers flow like gossip of all kinds.
But the daily newspaper La Repubblica quotes the former Deputy Foreign Minister Margarita Boniver socialist, devout ally of Berlusconi, which recognizes the existence of these messages at red lights.
According to the press, in telephone conversations Berlusconi and his current Minister for Equal Opportunities', Mara Carfagna (37), will exchange phrases from the exuberant tone with allusions to "blow". In an age in which these interceptions were made, the Knight was the leader of the opposition and the growing reputation of Carfagna a showgirl on television.
of a great beauty, Mara (Maria del Rosario), had already 'been the cause of a scandal that burst' in January last year, when during the delivery of certain awards in its television channels (and Berlusconi 'owner of the three major commercial television networks), the "then opposition leader center-right said publicly: "If I were not married, I'd marry you."
Berlusconi's second wife, Veronica Lario, the other great beauty and mother of three children (the Knight has another two from his first marriage), vent 'his anger in an open letter to her husband that the public' the newspaper La Repubblica requiring that apologized. Berlusconi consent 'to meet the demand.
Mara 'of Salerno and his biography includes activities' on television in the entertainment and social life. But he also studied classical dance and song and 'degree in law.
"What would have happened if Clinton had Monica Lewinsky appointed minister?", He asked the opposition MP Massimo Donadi. The ex-pm process Clean Hands of Milan, Antonio Di Pietro, Berlusconi's tough opposition in parliament, pointed out that one can not 'barricade in the private sector who shall appoint a Minister of the Republic for reasons alien to its institutional functions.
Di Pietro had just accused the premier of being a pimp (an Argentine would say "cafischo", ie 'exploiter of women), two weeks ago after the publication by the weekly magazine L'Espresso of wiretapping conversations between Berlusconi and with the 'ex-director of the RAI public television, Antonino Sacca', in which the then opposition leader and owner of rival TV company, asked his friend to put on the market five soubrettes and actresses minor. In particular, Berlusconi stated Antonella Troise. "It 's a fool who says that I'm ruining my career and it is getting dangerous," he said. For all the request showed how an effective way to keep the quiet Troise, no one knows about what.
To prevent the flood that was about to rovesciarglisi him, Berlusconi announced his government's decree to ban the spread of the wiretaps. After he said that there was no need for new legislation, after his friends have calmed down and investigating magistrates in Naples said that they would destroy the phone calls without significant penalty. But in Italy, and 'very difficult for that to happen one hundred percent.
In a press conference yesterday, Mr Berlusconi announced that it would not 'a decree for the immediate execution but a bill that will be discussed' in parliament.
"Despite all the mud I throw him, polls show that Italians still support me," assured the premier conservative.
soon ...
... well just because I have something to say to the Minister Scajola.
Actually I also tried to ask what do you think of this story to Mr Italo Bocchino (that is to look into the neckline of the foto.Giuro Carfagna, it's true!) But is likely to become commonplace.