Saturday, February 7, 2009

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The Israeli government began the operation "lead time" against Hamas in
a time of transition in global politics, with the handover
the White House between Bush and Obama, and with the change of the presidency
rotating EU between France's Sarkozy and the Czech Republic
of President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek. The Israeli action
flash in the Palestinian territories, the chorus of voices broke
of European governments, who had sung under the guidance of conductor
Sarkozy, the results are never seen in the past, like negotiations with the
Russia to withdraw troops from Georgia. And indeed, until
when the French president has held the helm, had come to a plan agreed by the 27
European governments meeting in December in Paris, with the request
Israel and Hamas for a permanent ceasefire,
with access to humanitarian aid for the needy and a request from
reopening of peace negotiations.
The scenario has totally changed with the handover between Sarkozy and Topolanek
. The absurd play a round of six-month presidency,
in one of the most tragic moments of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, is "Captain"
the EU presidency, a government with very little international experience,
in recent years it has held fiercely Eurosceptic, preferring always
relations with Washington than Brussels. Indeed
aroused gloomy amazement, the first statements of Topolanek on Gaza:
"action by Israel is not defensive and offensive."
These declarations have resulted in a score of European action, which
was divided in two: on one hand the European institutions, led by the Czech Republic and
by Javier Solana, on the other, Sarkozy and Kouchner of France.
both spoke at the various summits that have been achieved, on behalf of the European
increasing confusion in the negotiations for a ceasefire. They came
to the point that the more proactive voice for Europe has been to Abu Mazen
, chairman of the NPC, which has called for international intervention force
between Gaza and Israel, with European guidance on the model of
UNIFIL in Lebanon.
While the EU presidency, has been in a situation of stalemate, the
France, together with President Mubarak of Egypt, proposed a plan
cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians, followed by a rapid series of bilateral meetings
to be held in Egypt in order to agree a truce
more consistent, with the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors between Gaza and Egypt
. In this proposal, carried out with firmness, they are queued
the United States, the UN and the European Union.
While the EU presidency, has been in a situation of stalemate, the
France, together with Egyptian President Mubarak,
have proposed a plan for a cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians, followed by a rapid series of bilateral meetings
to be held in Egypt in order to agree a truce
more consistent with the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors
between Gaza and Egypt. In this proposal, carried out with firmness, they are queued
the United States, the UN and the European Union. The firmness
Egyptian able to send in port operation, and on 17 January
Israel signed the unilateral ceasefire, followed by 18
Hamas. This concludes a war cost over one thousand victims between the
civilian population, which has not weakened either politically or militarily
Hamas, and who did not give security to the Israeli population. But the real
blade that broke the Gordian knot of armed conflict was
proclaiming Obama as President of the United States while Washington
the ceremony, the latest coming out of
thank Israeli Gaza. David's army withdraws, almost in tribute to the 44th U.S. president
. This Wisely
made the first phone call from the Oval Office to the Palestinian President Abu Mazen,
scoring an implicit desire for change in the US-Middle East
And the European Union? It 's totally disappeared from the scene, the slave of a weak presidency
, bound by treaties that do not give
the opportunity to speak with a real international leadership, and unable to look
forward in the process of integration.
A first step would be approval of the Treaty of Lisbon,
that eventually creates the figure of the "President of the European Union" independent
chosen to no longer shifts between the Presidents of the Member States.
But in my opinion this is not enough: it is not enough to have a
President, if this can not pursue a single foreign policy.
You can not live with the hope that they are pursued foreign policies
common, if only because of the leadership or occasionally, as in the case of the solution
Georgian or UNIFIL.
the urgent need for a European federal government, which has full powers
contract that has the power to impose consistency with their point of view
. Neapolitan saying goes: "too many chiefs, not ever Schiara
the day, and for Europe, this night, is likely to become increasingly

Roberto Novelli

Praetorian Brothers Insurance

The climate package

The European Parliament has approved the 17/12 with a large majority climaenergia the package, the famous
20-20-20. The first objective of the package, with the Directive
ETS (Emission Trading Scheme) is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 21% in 2020 compared to 2005
in the fields of transport, agriculture and construction. Provides an auction system, the
2013, for the purchase of emission allowances, whose revenues will finance measures
emission reduction and adaptation to climate change. Today CO2 allowances are allocated free of charge and
pay only in case of exceeding the prescribed ceiling,
some Eastern European countries, however, will pay 100% of emissions in the energy sector only
from 2020. For the other sectors will be the responsibility of governments instead. Vo
The second objective is to reach 20% energy savings and the third is to
increase the share of renewable energies to 20% of final energy consumption by 2020.
Renewable energy sources are those non-fossil sources such as wind,
solar, geothermal, aerothermal, hydrothermal, ocean energy, hydro, biomass, sewage gas
sewage treatment and biogas. Currently the share of energy Renewable
the total energy consumption in Italy is 5.2% that the national target set by Directive
leads to 17%. For other "big countries' current consumption and the share target
are, respectively, as follows: Germany 5.8 and 18%, Spain 8.7 and 20%, France 10.3
and 23%, Poland 7, 2:15%, UK 1.3 and 15%.
order to better achieve the objective, Member States should promote and encourage energy efficiency.
Two or more Member States will also cooperate on all types of joint projects for
production of renewable energy in the form of electricity, heat and cold. For the purposes of compliance with the objectives
field of renewables, such cooperation, which may include
private operators, should cover projects in their territory and put into service after the entry into force of Directive
or by the increased capacity of a renovated facility.

The directive also establishes a number of conditions that, for the
purposes of calculating the target, can be taken into account
the production of electricity made
a third country. For example, it is necessary that the electricity is consumed in the EU and
is produced from a plant to become operational
or is enhanced after the entry into force of
measure. A member state may
also ask the Commission to take into account, under certain conditions
, renewable energy produced and consumed in
a third country in the construction of a interconettore
between the Member State and the third country.
In any event, Member States should adopt an action plan setting out the objectives
national share of renewable energy in transport, electricity and heating and cooling
in 2020, taking into account the effects of
other policies relating to energy efficiency, and measures to be taken to achieve these objectives,
including cooperation between local and national authorities, joint planning, political
national development of biomass resources for the exploitation of existing and new resources
biomass. The action plan must be submitted to the Commission by 30 June 2010
About the cost of the package, the Commission estimates that there are 91 billion for 2020, including 8
for Italy, against the winds assumed previously. The savings for the import of hydrocarbons
is estimated at 50 billion and 10 billion for the reduction in pollution. A
these benefits should be added to the economic innovation of the industrial system and
opening new markets, which will create new jobs in Europe.

Alessandro Zunino

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The economy is not a mechanism for making money but a tool that the State has available
to give their citizens a higher quality of life possible. Normally,
to assess the economic performance of a country, we use the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product
. This is nothing more than the monetary value of all goods produced in one year
within a country and end-uses, such as consumption, investment and exports
. Over the past nine years for which data are available Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Union
) which is the period 1999 - 2007, the U.S. GDP grew by
127% 124.1% compared to only twenty-seven European Union countries.
little change if we take into account the EU-15: growth of 123%.
These data should be combined with those for the GDP per capita, which is the average wealth of each individual which has
: the average income of a U.S. citizen in 1999
was higher by 60% compared to that of an EU-resident 27. Today the difference is 50%, due to
population growth much stronger than in North America and Europe. In short,
according to GDP, it seems that Americans enjoy a quality of life greatly
greater than that of us Europeans, and if this gap is decreasing, the reason
is the largest increase in U.S. population than in Europe and not a
better economic performance than the old continent to the New.
They then reason that many neo-liberal economists who argue that Europe should adopt
economic models more similar to that of
Probably not, for the simple reason that, in the words of Simon Kuznets the inventor of the GDP,
"the welfare of a nation" can "hardly be evidenced by a measure of national income
. We try to understand why. If an oil tanker sinks
off the coast of California, California's GDP increases. In fact going to increase the gross domestic product
expenses for the recovery of the ship, those for the purification of the sea and
expenditure for the purchase of new oil that will replace the oil lost in the accident
. So GDP increases due to economic activities not
improve the quality of life of the population.
established that at least there are reasonable doubts in considering the gross domestic product
as a valid measure of well-being, to this point the question arises whether there are alternatives
per capita income to measure the quality of life.
Among the many indices that have been developed in recent decades include the HDI, which is the
Human Development Index. This index takes into account not only the GDP per capita, even
in life expectancy, literacy rate and the average level of education attained by the population of a country
. According to data reported in
Human Development Report 2007/2008, report prepared annually by the United Nations, the differences between the European Union
in fifteen states and the United States in terms of HDI are minimal and there is a clear convergence of values \u200b\u200b
In 1980 the relationship between the HDI of the United States and the EU-15
was 96.734 compared with a ratio between their GDP per capita of 74.987. In 2005 the results were
99.215 and 79.525 respectively. Due to the lack of data is unfortunately not as easy
do the same analysis for the Europe of twenty-seven states. In any case we see change as
benchmark indices will get immediate feedback on a backhand
performance: the European economy over the past quarter century has practically reached
the U.S., if we refer to Europe to fifteen.
But to compare the economic performance of the two countries could also consider one or more
key areas for quality of life of the population and evaluate the performance recorded by the Member
that interest us.
Take for example the health field is very important to our health and then
for our wellbeing, both for the economy, health care costs as a percentage of GDP
very significant the more advanced economies. In particular, according
the Human Development Report (HDR), in 2004 the U.S. has used in health
15.4% of their total GDP, compared to only 8% of EU-27 and 8, 8% EU 15. From
note in particular that the United States the only private spending in the health sector amounted
8, 5% of GDP.
To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you think the country of the Union European Union in which the private sector
spends more in health and Greece with 3.7% of GDP. Given these findings, if
spending was a mere indicator of welfare, we should expect that the U.S.
enjoy perfect health when compared to that of us Europeans. Instead, if I browse some
table HDR discover that the reality is very different. Faced with a per capita health spending
almost triple in 2004 compared with that of Europe, the U.S. can guarantee
the presence of 256 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 323.5 EU-27 states.
If we look at the effectiveness of the services then we discover that the life expectancy of Americans is
of 77.4 years, compared to twenty-seven and Europe 76.6 78.7 EU-15, a difference
minimal when you consider the difference in cost. Finally, we report data on child mortality,
decreased dramatically in all industrialized countries between 1970 and 2005. However, in the United States currently
infant mortality rate of 6 per thousand, compared to 4.4 per thousand to fifteen
Europe and 5.4 of the twenty-seven.
What conclusions can we draw from these numbers?
certainly the result of the analysis makes it possible to argue that GDP is not a reliable indicator
very well and should be replaced by more advanced indices. The problem is that
GDP is easier to calculate than other indexes, and especially now came to this point
use that we have to wait a long time before it is abandoned.
In this regard, however, the European Commission has been very sensitive and
has developed a strategy for sustainable development of the Union ", renovated in 2006, which
concerned with assessing the Union's progress in various fields, such as socio-economic, demographic changes and the
public health. We are still at the beginning of a more realistic
economic performance and not only that, but it is already a significant step forward
the fact that one of the major world powers has raised the problem of evaluating their policies
not only through the development of gross domestic product.
The second conclusion to be drawn is that if you do a little more in-depth analysis,
often appears that the European economy in many areas is not less than U.S.
indeed is much more efficient. We have set an example by analyzing the health care costs and the results obtained
. This is not to say that Europe is the new El Dorado and that the U.S.
are intended to collapse, partly because many areas in the U.S. economy is still much more competitive than
European Union. The message that we want to send is rather wary of
superficial analysis often deliberately, for ideological reasons, to seek more
demonstrate the superiority of the American model in assessing the actual performance

Henry subsided

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on 6-7 June 2009 will be voted for the renewal of the European Parliament, which since
election by direct universal suffrage in 1979 is the only case in the world of supranational Parliament
democratically legitimized. The numerous initiatives launched on the basis of these elections, especially in environments
Europeans and federalism, are aimed primarily at making the pre-election debate
opportunity to discuss issues "truly European", ie to make
so that these elections are not a replica of the political and administrative action, in
terms of topics covered.
The motivation lies in a very simple consideration: the recent crisis, as global
, clearly shows the need to address some key issues at the supranational level, in front of the
total ineffectiveness on the part of the national states to manage them.
E 'should be stressed that this ineffectiveness is not intended as an inability of states to make policy but rather should be interpreted
as a natural limit to address issues that directly
resulting from the globalization process, have causes and implications
across national boundaries and that apart from these boundaries can only be first understood and then
adequately managed. The same logic
"European" is to be adopted by Parliament if elected will be
incisive in dealing with the challenges Europe faces. In recent months
fact, the economic and financial crisis, global warming and protecting the environment
, European foreign policy, were treated with statements "in principle" to which only
in the medium term we can evaluate its effectiveness, and this will
played a key role right from the European Parliament, called to discuss and deliberate on measures for dealing
the same materials, with a spirit of initiative and attention to the common European interest
first point on the agenda will inevitably be the financial crisis. The European Economic Recovery
Plan adopted by the Commission in late November has in fact falls under one name
national contributions already provided for the stimulation of demand within the European Union
to the crisis in the coming months will invest in all likely the real economy.
Faced with this situation, only a gradual and greater coordination of economic policies
of the Member States, with the objective (urgent) of a common economic policy
be attached to the existing monetary policy in the hands of the European Central Bank will have
the legitimacy to make the European economy as a whole, capable of winning the
challenge of international competitiveness, with the help of new financial instruments, in particular the issue of Eurobonds
(European government), mainly
light of the increasing distrust of government bonds in the EU countries, to fund programs
brave investment and research and development.
The agreement on "Climate Package" in the last European Council,
and subsequent approval by the European Parliament, was certainly an important goal.
However, without going into technical details, does reflect the persistence of an intergovernmental approach
altogether, with countries such as Italy prepared to use the veto,
going against their own citizens, who live, too, in a "hot" and
short of energy resources.
Among other challenges facing the European parliament that will elect in June will face
there is also that of foreign policy. Again, is the paralysis imposed by the behavior of nation states
to give food for thought. The French presidency, which also worked well
(especially during the crisis in Georgia), he played the much coveted "unified voice" in foreign policy
as the unique voice of a leader who not only aims to "make history"
( would be the lesser evil) but confirmed the vision of a Europe in which the power-
states are entrusted exclusively with the right to veto, the key competences of the Union, effectively choking
Community mechanisms.
front of the PE, in the closing speech of the presidency, Sarkozy said
that "it would be a mistake to want to go over the heads of elected leaders on behalf of the ideal European
"as if the MEPs were not elected democratically and thus were not
legal expression of this ideal.
ideal that we should all remember when we go to vote next June
not let ourselves be guided by the logic "inside." Only in this way for Parliament
elected office, a government program designed to manage the major challenges in Europe, strong
of its democratic legitimacy and able to return to European citizens
confidence in the vision of the founders of a European government, federal,
that is closer than you might imagine.

Florent Banfi
President of JEF