I'm not joking.
The desire to have made me go through this crap of the pardon.
I never would have expected from this government salvapreviti a law, which actually served three years of the sentence to a lawyer convicted of bribing a judge, who was convicted of vote trading mafia, various crafty, volunteers to murderers, rapists and I could go to.
not put the excuse of prisons too full because it certainly does not is resolved by putting out such a low percentage.
started to put the boys held out for a few barrel (abolishing the Fini Giovanardi) and also avoid some suicide.
abolishes the crap Bossi-Fini.
began to allocate money for the treatment of addiction.
And if someone were to get out of jail put out who stole from starvation.
and begins to work, since they earn an average of fifteen thousand euros per month plus' THE COSTS!
If I remember correctly horses battle of the campaign were DO NOW A LAW ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST, punish the falsification of accounts, withdrawing troops from Iraq and eliminate all laws made by the previous government.
At the time of this writing have passed seventy-eight days, nineteen hours and five minutes of setting up the Prodi government has not been made and no law on conflict of interest, or the falsification of accounts, or have been withdrawn our troops from Iraq, and none of the bullshit-laws made by the previous government was repealed, even with the pardon they have been another.
If they wanted me to get angry and ashamed of them Rated this time, after several attempts, we have really succeeded.
If I wanted a pardon (salvapreviti & Co) I would have voted for Berlusconi.
WILL 'When will I' Passes of stress and I will be 'back the desire for entertainment, IF THIS GOVERNMENT SHOULD DO ANOTHER Pigs TO BERLUSCONI "The blog will be' closed down in protest.
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